• Hello. Recently I noticed that there’s some info missing from my blog’s footer. The author field is blank:

    Byteful Blog is powered by WordPress 2.1.3 and K2
    Current style is by
    RSS Entries and RSS Comments

    See? Current style is by BLANK. There’s nothing there. How do I fix this?

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  • Take a look at footer.php, although that data isn’t required.

    something simular to this (from my k2 theme)

    <?php if (function_exists(‘k2_style_info’)) { k2_style_info(); } ?>

    // above line should show the style being used if k2_style_info function exists, if it doesnt exit it shows null

    <?php printf(__(‘RSS Entries and RSS Comments‘,’k2_domain’), get_bloginfo(‘rss2_url’), get_bloginfo(‘comments_rss2_url’)) ?>

    <br/> <?php printf(__(‘%d queries. %.4f seconds.’,’k2_domain’), $wpdb->num_queries , timer_stop()) ?>

    hope that helps

    Thread Starter byteful


    Those lines are the same in my footer.php.

    I have a feeling that k2_style_info is giving null. How do I change that?

    Thread Starter byteful


    That’s odd, my previous reply didn’t show up.

    Anyway, turns out it gets the style info from the custom CSS template. I just had to fill out the info in the CSS file, then choose another CSS template, and then choose it again. Works now.

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