• Resolved DFranzwa


    I installed the plugin and activated. Didn’t like the style shown on my plugins page (Just needed a simple list w/o any pics). I disabled plugin and attempted to delete all files, and received php error shown.

    Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/list-plugins/list-plugins.php on line 99 –
    That part of the file reads like this:

    // DELETE FILES if needed
    		$plugins_all = 	get_plugins() ;
    		$nb_SL = 0 ;
    		foreach($plugins_all as $url => $pa) {
    			$info = pluginSedlex::get_plugins_data(WP_PLUGIN_DIR."/".$url);
    			if ($info['Framework_Email']=="[email protected]"){
    				$nb_SL++ ;

    I’m not much of a php guy, so I’d appreciate any help in deleting plugin.



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  • Plugin Author Sed Lex


    Oh sooty for this bug … To easily delete the plugin you can delete manually the files in the plugin dir for this plugin or wait for an update that correct this issue
    Once again sorry

    Thread Starter DFranzwa


    Thanks for that. It’s not that the plugin didn’t do what it said, it did. It was more that I was looking for something that would output a more simplified version of the data. If there was an option for “what output would you like? With style or w/o”, to offer just a simple list of plugins, one per line, I would keep this.

    Thanks again

    Plugin Author Sed Lex


    Actually I believe it is still possible to have a very simple list
    Just put in the HTML settings:
    Additionnaly you can style your css

    Plugin Author Sed Lex


    have you manage to implement a “simple” list ?

    Plugin Author Sed Lex


    Next version will solve this issue

    Thread Starter DFranzwa


    Hello. Sed Lex,
    I’ve been away, so couldn’t get back to say thanks for the info. I haven’t even had time to do something as simple as wrapping the %name% with <p>” tags. I’ll definitely try again when you have updated to next version.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work,


    Plugin Author Sed Lex


    Tell me if you need help

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