ok, the first thing to do is research setting up a child theme https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Child_Themes.
i can give you the code you need to tweak in the css and the stylesheet of your site but if you do it in the theme as it is and not in a child theme anytime the theme gets updated you lose the changes you made.
once you’ve got a child theme set up in the style.css file add
.site-content .entry-meta
display: none;
and that should get rid of it.
honestly, if you’re going to use wordpress and you’re likely to want to make changes to it in how it looks and functions then i suggest researching html, css, php and downloading a copy of wordpress and familiarising yourself with where things are located. you don’t have to become a code jockey but a passing familiarity with terms like child theme, ftp, server side and others will make it easier to wade through any overly technical replies you might get to what seems like a simple issue. wordpress is great but it’s simplicity of use is underpinned by a massive amount of code and technical wizardry ??