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  • Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    You will need to ignore categories that you don’t need colored. You can only have one color per event. Please refer to

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    I have 5 categories, I’ve added one entry to the calendar which is under one of the categories but the color doesnt work on it.
    please advise


    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    Without being able to see the site you’re referring to I have limited ability to assist.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    Hi I’ve uploaded a link here:

    the entries are all red which is the default theme color.

    Any help will be apprecaited


    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    Are you using a custom template? If so, you’ve forgotten to add back the code that inserts the category classes.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    Hi Andy
    Im just using a standard theme, although the theme has some custom event calendar support, where can i find information about this? is this simple to fix?

    thanks again

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    You probably have to ask whomever did the events customizations. It should be as simple as adding the function that adds the category classes back into the correct spot. Your designer should be able to discern this by comparing the default template to the changed template.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    thanks will speak with the theme author.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    I spoke with the author, he advised it was only css customisation changes that were made, and there are a few functions in the functions file which i’ve listed below. can you advise as to what i need to do to get this working?

    /* Tribe Events Calendar support
    /* Get heading of Tribe Events page
     * Return : array[2]{heading,sub-heading} if found, false if not found
     * check
    function get_tribe_events_page_heading(){
    	if(class_exists('TribeEvents') && is_tribe_page()){
    		if(((tribe_is_event() || get_post_type() == 'tribe_organizer') && is_single()) || tribe_is_venue()){
    			// Single Eveng
    			$heading = get_the_title(get_the_ID());
    		} else {
    			// List View
    			$heading = tribe_get_events_title();
    		$sub_heading = '<a href="'.tribe_get_events_link().'">? ' . __('All Events','cactusthemes') . '</a>';
    		return array($heading,$sub_heading);
    	} else return false;
    /* Check if current page is a tribe page (listing, single ...) */
    function is_tribe_page(){
    	wp_reset_postdata();//reset custom query
    		if( tribe_is_month() && !is_tax() ) { // Month View Page
    			return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_month() && is_tax() ) { // Month View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_past() || tribe_is_upcoming() && !is_tax() ) { // List View Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_past() || tribe_is_upcoming() && is_tax() ) { // List View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_event() && is_single() ) { // Single Events
    		return true;
    		} elseif(class_exists('TribeEventsPro')){
    			if( tribe_is_week() && !is_tax() ) { // Week View Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_week() && is_tax() ) { // Week View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_day() && !is_tax() ) { // Day View Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_day() && is_tax() ) { // Day View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_map() && !is_tax() ) { // Map View Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_map() && is_tax() ) { // Map View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_photo() && !is_tax() ) { // Photo View Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_photo() && is_tax() ) { // Photo View Category Page
    		return true;
    		} elseif( get_post_type() == 'tribe_organizer' && is_single() ) { // Single Organizers
    		return true;
    		} elseif( tribe_is_venue() ) { // Single Venues
    		return true;
    	return false;
    function tribe_single_related_events_fix($count = 3, $post_type = TribeEvents::POSTTYPE ) {
    	$count = ot_get_option( 'number_re_event');
    	$posts = tribe_get_related_posts( $count);
    	if ( is_array( $posts ) && !empty( $posts ) ) {
    		echo '<div>'.do_shortcode('[divider colorstyle="colorstyle_2" dividerstyle="style_2" paddingtop="40" paddingbottom="10" animation="" ]').'</div>';
    		echo '<h3 class="tribe-events-related-events-title">'.  __( 'Related Events', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro' ) .'</h3>';
    		echo '<ul class="tribe-related-events tribe-clearfix hfeed vcalendar">';
    		foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
    			echo '
    				$thumb = ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ) ? get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'thumb_100x100' ) : '<img src="'. trailingslashit( TribeEventsPro::instance()->pluginUrl ) . 'resources/images/tribe-related-events-placeholder.png" alt="'. get_the_title( $post->ID ) .'" />';;
    				echo '<div class="tribe-related-events-thumbnail">';
    				echo '<a>ID ) .'" class="url" rel="bookmark">'. $thumb .'</a>';
    				echo '</div>';
    				echo '<div class="tribe-related-event-info">';
    					echo '<h3 class="tribe-related-events-title summary"><a>ID ) .'" class="url" rel="bookmark">'. get_the_title( $post->ID ) .'</a></h3>';
    					if ( class_exists( 'TribeEvents' ) && $post->post_type == TribeEvents::POSTTYPE && function_exists( 'tribe_events_event_schedule_details' ) ) {
    						echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details( $post );
    					if ( class_exists( 'TribeEvents' ) && $post->post_type == TribeEvents::POSTTYPE && function_exists( 'tribe_events_event_recurring_info_tooltip' ) ) {
    						echo tribe_events_event_recurring_info_tooltip( $post->ID );
    				echo '</div>';
    			echo '</li>
    		echo '';
    		echo '<div>'.do_shortcode('[divider colorstyle="colorstyle_2" dividerstyle="style_1" paddingtop="" paddingbottom="" animation="" ]').'</div>';
    function gp_is_plugin_active( $plugin ) {
        return in_array( $plugin, (array) get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ) );
    function gp_excerpt_more($more) {
    	return '';
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'gp_excerpt_more');
    function tribe_events_single_event_meta_fix() {
    	$event_id = get_the_ID();
    	$skeleton_mode = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_event_the_meta_skeleton', false, $event_id ) ;
    	$group_venue = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_event_the_meta_group_venue', false, $event_id );
    	$html = '';
    	if ( $skeleton_mode ) {
    		// show all visible meta_groups in skeleton view
    		$html .= tribe_get_the_event_meta();
    	} else {
    		$html .= '<div class="dotted"></div><div class="tribe-events-single-section tribe-events-event-meta tribe-clearfix">';
    		// Event Details
    		$html .= tribe_get_meta_group( 'tribe_event_details' );
    		// When there is no map show the venue info up top
    		if ( ! $group_venue && ! tribe_embed_google_map( $event_id ) ) {
    			// Venue Details
    			$html .= tribe_get_meta_group( 'tribe_event_venue' );
    			$group_venue = false;
    		} else if ( ! $group_venue && ! tribe_has_organizer( $event_id ) && tribe_address_exists( $event_id ) && tribe_embed_google_map( $event_id ) ) {
    			$html .= sprintf( '%s<div class="tribe-events-meta-group tribe-events-meta-group-gmap">%s</div>',
    				tribe_get_meta_group( 'tribe_event_venue' ),
    				tribe_get_meta( 'tribe_venue_map' )
    			$group_venue = false;
    		} else {
    			$group_venue = true;
    		// Organizer Details
    		if ( tribe_has_organizer( $event_id ) ) {
    			$html .= tribe_get_meta_group( 'tribe_event_organizer' );
    		$html .= apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_event_the_meta_addon', '', $event_id );
    		$html .= '</div>';
    	if ( ! $skeleton_mode && $group_venue ) {
    		// If there's a venue map and custom fields or organizer, show venue details in this seperate section
    		$venue_details = tribe_get_meta_group( 'tribe_event_venue' ) .
    						 tribe_get_meta( 'tribe_venue_map' );
    		if ( !empty($venue_details) ) {
    			$html .= apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_event_the_meta_venue_row', sprintf( '<div class="dotted"></div><div class="tribe-events-single-section tribe-events-event-meta tribe-clearfix">%s</div>',
    			) );
    	return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_event_meta', $html );
    function pp_buttom($subscribe_bt,$b) {
    		echo '<a href="'.$b.'"><img alt="'. __('Buy Now Button', 'cactusthemes').'" class="button_pp" src="" /></a>';
    	}else if($subscribe_bt=='pp_subscribe'){
    		echo '<a href="'.$b.'"><img alt="'. __('Subscribe Button', 'cactusthemes').'" class="button_pp" src="" /></a>';
    	}else if($subscribe_bt=='pp_donate'){
    		echo '<a href="'.$b.'"><img alt="'. __('Donate Button', 'cactusthemes').'" class="button_pp" src="" /></a>';
    	}else if($subscribe_bt=='pp_addtocart'){
    		echo '<a href="'.$b.'"><img alt="'. __('Add to cart Button', 'cactusthemes').'" class="button_pp" src="" /></a>';
    	}else if($subscribe_bt=='pp_buygift'){
    		echo '<a href="'.$b.'"><img alt="'. __('Buy gift Button', 'cactusthemes').'" class="button_pp buygift" src="" /></a>';

    any advice appreciated

    thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    Can you tell me where, precisely, this code is located? If possible can you put it up on a github gist to make it easier to view and potentially have a PR?

    Thread Starter theodotcom



    That code was in the functions.php file.

    I’ve added the code here:


    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    In looking at s code, what’s calling it? There’s only one add_filter call that returns a blank.

    I’m missing something.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    Hi Andy

    This is the full functions file

    there are also some tribe events files in the tribe-events folder,

    there are here:

    your help is really appreciated, its been driving me crazy. ??

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    I should have some time this weekend to take a better look at it all.

    Thread Starter theodotcom


    thank you for letting me know ??


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