• Hi there everyone, I have worked with wordpress and have simply loved it, it’s really a great creation.
    I’ve had my blog on dhruvasagar.wordpress.com for learning purposes and had a good time till now.

    Now i’ve started a new blog after buying my own web-space etc…I have sucesfully managed to install it and run it…

    I even posted a post and imported my posts from my previous blog as well.

    But I am facing a weird problem, I don’t think I can understand it. Please help me!!!

    In my blog when I click on any blog post, say for example i click on

    https://blog.dhruvasagar.com/2007/07/20/hello-all/, the first blog post i wrote today…I get this:

    Not Found

    The requested URL https:// was not found on this server.

    You can go ahead and see it for yourself… https://blog.dhruvasagar.com/

    Anybody can you help me please! ??

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