So essentially what you are saying is that to use your plugin, we have to purchase gravity forms? I originally thought that we could just use your plugin itself as a stand alone. At least that’s what I thought. Sorry for the confusion, just trying to clarify and help other users who are having the same confusion. Other than your plugin, there’s not really another plugin that gives such easy functionality, terms of use, etc.. If I were you, I would break away from gravity forms and make that plugin a stand alone, one time purchase…. you would make a killing!!! I know I would buy it. But I can tell you that I’m not interested in purchasing gravity forms at a yearly renewal for the sole purpose of having a multi-file uploader extension. I think they are losing out on sales because of it.. And I think you are losing out on customers using your awesome plugin as they are also in the same boat as I am. I would definitely pay some $ upfront for the plugin alone, but it does no good to me if I’m buying the whole package from Gravity Form (in which I don’t really need the extra addons that I would be paying for just to sit in my admin toolbar doing nothing). Just trying to give some feedback from a user perspective.
Thanks for responding! Much appreciated.