I don’t think that people Whoami and others whose posts sometimes seem somewhat curt are trying to be smug. I think they are trying to help others, as evidenced by their many, many replies, resolve problems.
As an experienced technical writer, I find that my own technical knowledge is a huge obstacle to helping others with problems that are seemingly unsurmountable by them but simple to me.
I’m sure they’ve answered the same old questions time and time again over the last months (years). I’m sure they are trying to keep their replies short and concise. I’m sure that out of exaspiration their replies sometimes make them seem like they are “smug”. I’m sure that if they were professional writers with lots of time for well thought-out answers to questions, their replies would have fewer “rough edges”.
However, they are just folks like all the rest of us, only they’ve already gone through a butt-load of problems, first during their own start-up times, and then through helping others. Nobody tells them to volunteer their time and expertise. Nobody has even asked them. They feel they have something useful and helpful to offer and they take time out from chores, studies, work, sleep, whatever, to read new posts about problems and respond to them as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Do their answers sometimes go over the heads of others? Do they sometimes assume more than a beginner’s knowledge of WordPress? Do their replies sometimes appear to be written for other programmers? Are their answers sometimes short and pointed? Do these people sometimes become frustrated with repeated cries for help when the answers can often be found in the documentation? Of course, the answer to all of these questions is YES YES YES!
Would visitors to this forum who have difficulties understanding things be satisfied instead with the boiler-plate, politically-correct-but-grammatically-incorrect and often useless replies given them by their host providers? I doubt it. I sure wouldn’t.
Probably should bring up the old adage, “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.” And guys like Whoami, Moshu, and many, others who jump in and help out, certainly do give freely of their time and knowledge. God help us all if they just said, “Screw it” and left me and others like me to the mercy of the ISP “Help” teams…