@bamajr and others,
Yea. Single vanilla installs I think I agree. Once one begins to operate in a real environment with dynamic variables involved (like different themes or different combinations of plugins that is the true test in my opinion). That is the test of resilience, durability, and adaptability with any plugin (assuming you are using good quality other themes/plugins as well within reason).
Testing is such a pain to (having to disable and re-enable them one by one and changing themes etc). The is especially true with a multisite installation. I wish someone would develop a great theme and plugin diagnostic tool to get past the dark ages of having to manually disable and re-enable plugins and themes somehow . . . smile. Having a way to restore plugin setting to a prior time would also be of great benefit. Of course, easier said that done . . .
I run some multsite installs and that is where my issues are as well.
Also, I did reachout to Mandrill about this and they did say they area doing a major redesign of the Mandrill App plugin and were aware of some issues.
Hopefully that will come out very soon!