• Hi,

    Thanks for the plugin, it works great on the front-end but when an admin searches for a post on the back end there’s a bunch of HTML getting infused into the search results

    For example this is what you see:
    <span class="search-everything-highlight-color" style="background-color:#9f7799">Coffee</span>: Because You Don’t (Always) Need Booze

    When the result should be this:
    Coffee: Because You Don’t (Always) Need Booze

    Seems like the span injection isn’t coded quite right for the backend. Or it would also be ok if we could remove search highlighting from the backend and keep it on the front end.

    Thanks for any help.


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  • We too are experiencing the same issue… every search in the backend produces <span class> as above? Is a fix available?


    Happening to me too. Not sure if it was after the forced WP update or not. But see it in just one page:

    <span class=”search-everything-highlight-color” style=”background-color:orange”>Street</span> Fair

    instead of

    Street Fair

    Public side seems fine, but WP Page list shows the above.




    Here as well! In pages, posts, products (plugin) and events (plugin).

    The page ‘My Page’ is displayed likt this:

    <span class="search-everything-highlight-color" style="background-color:orange">My Page</span>




    Hi again,

    It should work in frontend but not in backend. This seems to work:

    1) Open file search-everything(.php) and look for:

    function se_postfilter( $postcontent ) {

    2) Add this underneath:

    if ( ! is_admin() ) {

    3) look for:

    return $postcontent;

    4) And add this above:


    They should add this in plugin update..


    Great fix, Guido! Thanks.
    Just applied this to two installs and it worked like a charm. I agree, it should be included in an update. Preferrably soon ??

    Best regards



    You are very welcome :-).
    I hope there will be an update soon, unfortunately the developer’s website has no proper contact info, otherwise I had send them a notification email.


    Thanks Guido! Hope the plugin author takes note of your fix!

    Worked like a charm for me!


    I’d like to add a strong “me too!!!” to the request for an urgent update to this plugin. There have been a lot of WP changes since 2014-12-18 when the current version was released.


    really sorry for not replying sooner – thanks to Guido, we will test this on our side and if everything checks out we will definitely use it in our next release!

    Once again, my apologies for the unintentional silent treatment and for the inconvenience!

    Take care all of you and have an amazing day,



    Hi Petra,

    Great, I’m not the only one having this issue so it would be great if you update plugin soon :-).




    Hi PetraP,

    You did not solve it in last update!


    Also still having this problem. Come on.

    Same issue here..


    Thanks for your support Guido.



    Another plugin update today, but they did NOT fix it.. again!


    Haha and the bug came back with the last update.. So again.. thanks Guido ^^

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