There’s a no longer supported plugin by Brandon Alexander that I did some modifications to so that it works in phphBB3.
Create a folder named wp-phpbb-files in your plugins and put this in a file named wp-phpbb.php:
Plugin Name: WP-phpBB
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin gives you the recent posts in your phpBB
Version: .9
Author: Brandon Alexander
Author URI:
function show_posts($limit = 5)
global $wpdb;
//Put your phpBB and wordpress database info here:
$WPDB = ""; //WP db name
$PHPBBDB = ""; //phpBB db name
$USERS_TABLE = "phpbb_users"; //phpbb user table
$TOPICS_TABLE = "phpbb_topics"; //phpbb topics table
$POSTS_TABLE = "phpbb_posts"; //phpbb posts table
$SITEURL = ""; //Forum URL with trailing /
//Do not edit beyond this point
$lastfpost = 0;
$test = 0;
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $POSTS_TABLE ORDER BY post_time DESC");
if ($results)
foreach ($results as $post)
$user = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $USERS_TABLE WHERE user_id = $post->poster_id");
$forum = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $TOPICS_TABLE WHERE forum_id = $post->forum_id");
$topic = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $TOPICS_TABLE WHERE topic_id = $post->topic_id");
$test = 0;
if($topic->topic_id==$top5[$i]){ $test=1; }
if($user && $topic && $test==0)
$lastfpost += 1;
echo "<li><a href='" . $SITEURL . "/viewtopic.php?f=$post->forum_id&t=$post->topic_id'>";
echo "$topic->topic_title\n";
echo "</a>\n";
echo " at " . date("F j, Y - H:i", $post->post_time) . " \n";
echo "($nposts)</li>\n";
if($lastfpost == $limit){ break; }
Don’t forget to edit in your correct db info and url.
Activate the plugin and then put this where you want it to show:
<?php show_posts("5"); ?>
Change the number here and in the plugin to control the number of posts.
You can see it live here:
If anyone would feel like further enhancing this plugin I’d be thrilled. It would be cool to be able to exclude certain forums for example.