• I’m not sure when this started as I just noticed it today, but my comments stopped showing up in my posts. I tried to make several test posts today and nothing. I went back and un-installed any recent plugins I’ve added and checked my comment options to no end. Anyone got an idea why these would disappear when they were working before?

    I don’t know if it will help, but here is the site I mean –> https://www.natebal.com/journal

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  • Thread Starter NateBalcom


    Is there a comment checklist I can go through? I systematically went through and deactivated plugins 1 at a time and I tried playing with the comment settings. I’m not sure where to go from here. I’m not sure when the comments stopped working, but it would have to be within the last month to month and a half.

    Anybody have any tips? I’m not sure what else to try..

    I’ve got the same problem, but can’t find a fix for it… ??

    I also have this problem. They are showing up on the sidebar, and I can see them listed under “comments” but they won’t show on posts? Only a few posts or pingbacks show up?


    Thanks in advance

    and I as well am having the same problem. I’ve been investigating and testing.

    the comment that was in the system, but not being displayed showed the comment author name etc, but no comment.

    I copied and pasted it into notepad.

    I began putting small pieces of it into the system and seeing where it stopped output. I’d do it line by line until it disappeared again.

    I could NOT get past a certain point of characters and there were no “odd” characters in it.

    the interesting thing is that the same comment author had longer comments above.

    I then took the piece of the comment that would not show up / cause the problem, and posted it as myself. Then I edited it and changed the particulars back to the original comment author. In other words – he had two comments back to back so that it would display the entire comment.

    these were comments number 18 and 19, so it’s not as if it was a huge comment list or anything.

    I’m about to see if it shows up again.

    the comments in question are on this page, an interview with Craig Ballantyle


    Comments #18 and #19



    So it happened again. Very next comment by the same author. Content shows that it was entered under manage | comments, but not showing on page.

    it was the very next comment. Still investigating

    Has anyone figured out a solution to this yet? I cannot get comments to show, and the author will not show either (on the individual post page).

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