• Oh my god. I don’t know how or why but now whenever I re-edit anything, I’ll save and find all line and paragraph breaks have been removed. For instance this:


    My name is Bob.

    Nice to meet you.

    becomes this:

    Hello.My name is Bob.Nice to meet you.

    Why is this and how the HELL do I fix it? It’s screwed up a few of my pages.

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  • One of these days some one is going to post here stating that the inline editor in WP actually works in a consistent way.. But I am not holding my breath

    Thread Starter pad


    But this isn’t normal…

    Thread Starter pad


    Oh dear…. ??

    Bumping every hour will likely get you ignored.

    The easiest way to make sure your formating stays the same is to ditch the visual editor and just use the code editor. It has buttons like the visual editor it just shows you what code is being generated. To disable the visual editor go to your profile and uncheck the box that says use visual editor.

    Thread Starter pad



    Does this mean this problem will occur as long as I use the visual editor? It doesn’t in all my other WP installs.

    Thread Starter pad


    Sorry to bump – but does anybody know why this is happening?

    Probably a plugin problem.

    I have the same problem, can’t find a solution to it, so I will disable the visual editor.

    If you are using the Safari beta, stripping line breaks is a known problem.

    i have the exact same problems. I am using IE6 + IE7 and firefox. Problems still there.
    I do not know how to solve it.
    Check it out on poker.spaubeekcasual.nl
    I disabled all the plugins so thats not it either.



    After spending all day stuffing around with this I found the solution. Get this.

    One problem I’ve commonly found is that the paragraph display in some themes causes pagraphs to be crammed together one after another, with no space in between. If you have a theme whose paragraph display isn’t quite right, you can fix this in just a single step. It should be easy even for those of you who do not have any programming experience. None needed, as it’s all done in CSS (Cascading StyleSheet). You don’t even have to have any CSS experience, as I’ll show you how right now.

    From your WordPress blog’s control panel, make sure that you have selected the WP Theme that you want to tweak. Then click on the “Theme Editor” setting. If you are not already viewing the “Stylesheet” or “style.css” file, select it from the list at right. Skim over the CSS code that you see. If the CSS code is well written/ organized, you should see a “body” section, followed soon after by a “p” (paragraph) section. This is what you want to focus on. Your current “p” section may look something like this:

    p {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 5;
    }That may not be exact, but what it’s lacking is some vertical spacing command. Back up the file before changing it, then add a margin-top clause like so:
    p {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 5;
    margin-top: 5px;
    }The order of the clauses don’t matter in this case. The margin-top clause simply says that at the top of each paragraph of text displayed in the body of a post, insert 5 pixels of vertical space first. That gives you just enough space between paragraphs to make them more readable. This may just make the difference between a visually-okay theme and a nice theme that’s easy to read. Play around with the spacing until you’re happy with it. If you accidentally changed some other clause, replace the stylesheet with the backup version.

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