• Resolved PaulH


    I just tried to update our SagePay addon from version 2.0 to version 2.1.1 (latest) because SagePay is discontinuing support for the 2.2x protocol that is still used in the plugin up to version 2.1.1 and now I’m getting an error on the sagepay side saying that the SuccessUrl was invalid.

    How can I fix this?


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  • Hi paulhuckstepp,

    Could you provide system info?

    Thread Starter PaulH


    I presume you’re after the System Info from the Jigoshop plugin page:

    ### Begin System Info ###
    	Multi-site:               No
    	SITE_URL:                 https://emptybox.co.uk
    	HOME_URL:                 https://emptybox.co.uk
    	Jigoshop Version:         1.15.4
    	WordPress Version:        4.2.1
    	Platform:                 Windows
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                                      64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHT
                                      ML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357
                                      .45 Safari/537.36
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    	Cookie Path:              /
    	Save Path:                /tmp
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    	Use Only Cookies:         On
    	DISPLAY ERRORS:           On (1)
    	FSOCKOPEN:                Supported
    	Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: 1.4.1
    	Cimy User Manager: 1.4.6
    	DLynx Cookie Law: 1.0
    	DLynx Forms: 1.0
    	DLynx Framework: 1.2
    	Easy Updates Manager: 5.0.0
    	EG-Archives: 2.0.2
    	Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: 4.7.1
    	Google XML Sitemaps: 4.0.8
    	InfiniteWP - Client: 1.3.12
    	iThemes Security: 4.6.13
    	Jigoshop: 1.15.4
    	Jigoshop - Up-sells/Cross-sells: 1.4.1
    	Jigoshop PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway: 2.1.4
    	Jigoshop Product Add-ons: 1.19.1
    	Jigoshop Sagepay Form Gateway: 2.0
    	Jigoshop Table Rate Shipping: 3.3.3
    	Jigoshop Wishlist: 1.1.1
    	Lockdown WP Admin: 2.2
    	MCE Table Buttons: 3.2
    	Post Types Order: 1.7.7
    	PS Auto Sitemap: 1.1.8
    	Responsive Lightbox: 1.4.10
    	Share Buttons by AddToAny: 1.5.6
    	Simple Trackback Validation with Topsy Blocker: 1.2.4
    	Theme My Login: 6.3.11
    	User Submitted Posts: 20150319
    	W3 Total Cache:

    The currently installed version of the Sage Pay plugin works fine, the latest 2.1 returns the invalid successUrl error. For some reason the download link we have doesn’t offer the 2.1.1 download.

    Thread Starter PaulH


    I compared the code from v2.0 and v2.1 and the only change I could see (excluding variable and function renames) is the change of the sagepay protocol number from 2.23 to 3.00.

    As I haven’t been able to download v2.1.1 I don’t know what additional changes were in there.

    Plugin Author Jigoshop Support – Paul


    according to a change log:
    * 2.1 – 2015-04-04
    * New: Support for 3.00 API.

    I will check it and come back to you shortly

    Plugin Author Jigoshop Support – Paul


    ok, so it looks like update was done, but something is wrong with an URL..

    We are looking into it

    Thread Starter PaulH


    Any update on this?


    As I checked it looks like, this is bug. There is no version 2.1.1, version 2.1 was wrongly tagged. We are sorry for this. It will be fixed soon.

    Thread Starter PaulH


    No worries. SagePay is discontinuing protocol 2.23 in July so we’ll need the update by then – plenty of time ??

    Thread Starter PaulH


    Just downloaded and tried out version 2.2 of the plugin and it still doesn’t work.

    I’m getting an error at Protx (SagePay):

    VSP Form Transaction Error
    This transaction attempt has failed. We are unable to redirect you back to the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are given below.


    Status Detail:
    3087 : The SuccessURL format is invalid.

    Hi paulhuckstepp,

    I think I know where is a problem, can you edit SagePay 2.2, file src/Jigoshop/Gateway/SagePayForm.php and replace line 222 with this code:

    $crypt = $this->encrypt($request, $this->vendorPassword);

    Thread Starter PaulH


    I replaced the line and gave it another try, now it’s complaining about a missing currency field, so I’m guessing that has caused more problems:

    VSP Form Transaction Error
    This transaction attempt has failed. We are unable to redirect you back to the web store from which you were purchasing. The details of the failure are given below. 
    Status Detail:
    3045 : The Currency field is missing.

    Hi paulhuckstepp,

    Did you tried new version (2.3) of SagePay Form?

    Thread Starter PaulH


    I hadn’t noticed a new version being released. I’ve just downloaded and installed and this time it is working ??

    Can I ask what specifically was changed because when I attempted your fix above (line 222 change) it just made matters worse.

    Thread Starter PaulH


    Just had an email from my client (after I’d updated the plugin to 2.3) and they aren’t getting the order email from the website now. They got the SagePay confirmation email but it seems like the final process isn’t working.

    I’ve had to revert the plugin back again for the time being.

    Thread Starter PaulH


    Any update on this issue being fixed. Time is running out before SagePay discontinues protocol 2.23.

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