Hmm. That’s all very interesting, and perhaps a little more confusing. ??
I think I need to hire you for a consultation to set me up.
I’ve got the dev site, I’ve got the bitbucket account, I’ve got the production site, I’ve backed up both production and dev sites, I’ve created .gitignore files. I’m thinking of doing a branch called PRODUCTION
and a branch called MASTER, and maybe even one called DEV, though I could probably be fine with just MASTER and PRODUCTION and use the MASTER for the DEV server just the same.
Essentially, whenever PRODUCTION changes, the changes will go live on the production server. To change PRODUCTION one would merge from MASTER. MASTER would represent the stable permanent build and would be mirrored in the PRODUCTION.
DEV would be for sandboxing and staging.
I want to hire freelance coders to come in to the private bit bucket repository for the DEV side, and add their features or fix the bugs, then merge those and push them to MASTER and/or PRODUCTION when they are fit for production.
Your plugin is great for also handling local WordPress install changes in addition to many other benefits of course. I do worry about the Production site and the Dev site slipping out of sync somehow. But that seems to be where putting the copy of the .git folder into the production site comes in???
I am also worried about the databases trying to match up. I am worried that some tables from the DEV could overwrite tables in the PRODUCTION.
Mostly, I’m a bit confused because I’m a bit new to Git and I’m trying to connect a DEV server, a Bit Bucket repo, a Production server, and Freelance coders, and I don’t have the wisdom to have the foresight to know that setting up X thing in X way will cause X disaster or lack of ability in the future. If you have a PayPal or if you can lend me your skype or email, if we can connect somehow, I’m happy to see if I can pay you for your help in setting me up. I have been struggling with this for a few days, and need someone who knows what they are doing to just connect it all up the right way. I could mess with it, until it appears to work but you would KNOW what to do to make it work.