• Hi,

    Im trying to use UAM to create restricted areas on my website, although im having a few issues where the content still shows to everyone. I have the plugin configured so that the posts/pages still show on lists, but so that the excerpt is blocked, same as post/page detail.

    However this is not what happens, not only the excerpt but also the complete detail is show to non logged user, for posts where I have chosen to only be available to a specific user group.

    If I configure the plugin so that restricted content is completely hidden from non/authorised users, the plugin will im that scenario worked as expected and everything is hidden.

    I am using Timber to build my websites. This is a template engine for WordPress and it uses regular WP queries to get the data. I don’t think this should have any relation to this problem, still mentioning it for completeness’ sake.

    Could you help figure this out please?


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  • Plugin Author GM_Alex


    What do you mean with details? Could you provide a URL or a screenshot?

    Thread Starter Luis Martins


    I mean the entire content is shown as if it was an unrestricted post/page.

    Plugin Author GM_Alex


    Ok seems strange. Is there an [L] behind the post/page title?

    Thread Starter Luis Martins


    No, and that option is enabled in the backend. Note that im using two browsers, one for the Dashboard and another to emulate a non logged-in user.

    Plugin Author GM_Alex


    The only chance to see what’s happening is to get access to your page.

    Thread Starter Luis Martins


    I was hoping you could clarify which mechanism is being used to “filter” the content being shown. Are you using any native hooks or filter to change the queries?

    This could eventually help me investigate the problem.

    Thread Starter Luis Martins


    Sorry for the delay Alex, I will be investigating this again today.
    A couple more details.

    If I configure UAM to completely hide the post, trying to access directly gives me 404 which I imagine is the intended behaviour. If I switch Hide complete posts to off, the post excerpt does give me the message saying the posts is restricted, but then still it allows me to open it, showing the complete article.

    I was wondering how are you parsing the post link, perhaps my issue it’s there.

    Hi Alex! I am working on using the plugin to accommodate a wholesaler’s website. The company sells to individuals and to wholesalers. I need to restrict a couple of pages to wholesalers alone. I have made user group named “wholesaler” but I am having trouble transferring all 12,000 of our all ready wholesaler members to this user group. Any suggestions on how to do this?

    Alex– I believe I just figured it out. I’m new to this– ha ha. Thank you for designing such a useful plugin. Cheers to you!

    Same problem …

    Hello GM_Alex,

    I installed your plugin recently. In my list of Users I see the UAM User groups notification. It also shows in the New Post area. I do not see the [L} next to the page or post name, although I have it enabled. The issue I am having is similar to others mentioned here: the full page content is accessible to anyone. Please let me know how this can be remedied.

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I forgot to mention that on the Pages view, the group name is listed on the far right of the page I am trying to restrict. Just don’t know why it is still accessible to everyone.

    Hello again,

    I was able to get something that works for what I need. My goal was to restrict access to certain media files on a certain page. This is what I did:

    1. I created a new .htaccess file in the directory where the files are stored. The file name is actually .htaccess .

    2. I added the following code:

    <FilesMatch “\.(mp3)$”>
    order allow,deny
    deny from XXX.XXX.XXX.XX (input the actual IP address)
    allow from all

    You may change the order depending on your goals:

    order deny,allow
    allow from XXX.XXX.XXX.XX
    allow from YYY.YYY.YYY.YY
    deny from all

    I believe you can also add some code to deny access to the page itself. This just blocks the files with the ending you specify. To specify multiple file types, try .(mp3|txt) etc.

    Hope this provides a solution for some.

    Hello @gm_alex,
    I’m having more or less the same issue and I’ve posted a comment on this forum yesterday.
    Could you please let me know how I can PM you with the login details of my website?
    Thanks man!


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