How to add a search tool to sidebar?
Is there some way to put a search tool on my sidebar?
yes, you edit the template file, sidebar.php
So what do I put there?
what do you mean, what do you you put there?
Youve asked a relatively obscure question. You got an equally obscure answer.
I dont know what you put because I DONT know what you want to add.
I dont know what you put because I DONT know what you want to add.
I just want to add a search bar where my sidebar is.
When I asked ‘what do I put there’, I meant what should the code be. If I just put the word ‘search’ there, nothing is going to happen.
<h2>Blogroll</h2> <ul class="arrow"> <?php get_links(-1, ' <li>', '</li> ', ' - '); ?> </ul>
Should I make a double of this and just slap the words Search where Blogroll was? Will that generate a search bar? (That wasn’t a real question)
look at what is inside the default theme’s sidebar.php
Ok, I may not know what I’m doing (sometimes) but I know that there’s nothing relating to searches in my sidebar.php, I’ve read the whole sidebar.php page and I used the Ctrl+F thing (which really wasn’t necessary) and still nothing.
look at what is inside the default theme’s sidebar.php
…but I know that there’s nothing relating to searches in my sidebar.php, I’ve read the whole sidebar.php page and I used the Ctrl+F thing (which really wasn’t necessary) and still nothing.
I said nothing about looking at YOUR theme’s sidebar.php- I said to look at the default theme’s sidebar.php.
You arent using the default theme.
Im unceremoniously bowing out of his thread.
Im unceremoniously bowing out of his thread.
Ok, see you later. I checked my default theme and got the code
<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?>
But it doesn’t work, so I’ll wait for someone who knows what they’re talking about. I just need someone who knows why the default search bar created an error, where whooami said it would work.
Well, you might try (if you haven’t already) copying the ‘searchform.php’ file from the default theme folder to the folder your theme is in.
glad to see your getting the help you don’t need. geez. whooami at his best.
anyway, if you are using a theme that uses widgets, there may be a widget that you can drag over to the sidebar area and that will work.
Also, have a look at these plugins as well. one might be able to help you…
Well, you might try (if you haven’t already) copying the ‘searchform.php’ file from the default theme folder to the folder your theme is in.
You know, that’s so obvious that it must work, and guess what? It did! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before, it’s a good trick to use, yet it’s so simple, I hit myself in the head a few times saying duh, thank you.
Also, have a look at these plugins as well. one might be able to help you…
Thanks, that helped out a lot as well, before my search only went to post and now it goes to pages as well, I’m going to look over that page a little more to learn more stuff about how to the search bar. Thank you both again.
I provided exactly what was necessary –I just didnt hold his/her hand in doing it. The solution was right where I said it was.
Secondly, you can piss off, please dont presume to know me — I am not a male and resent your assumption to the contrary. Your friend, to put it mildy, dont know jack about me.
I’m not going to apologize for leaving a thread behind where the original poster is obviously not reading what I write — nor am I going to feel bad for saying that in MY opinion, he/she could have figured out this without even asking had he employed a little thinking. Despite that, I offered the solution.
There is no crime in expecting people to think if they want help.
Didn’t you leave? Look here whooami, I figured out the problem, no one got hurt, and the world keeps spinning so chill out.
Didnt YOU leave? No, I guess not — you just wandered off to ask another question thats already been answered a 1000 times over.
You look here – I wasnt addressing you. So go away and wait for someone else to wander by and hold your hand in one of your other threads.
Nice try on the edit too ..
I will NOT, NOT defend myself when someone has something to say about me.
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