• Hi, just spent many hours building this site… https://www.thesalvagemerchant.com and when I check it on my iPhone 5S and my daughter checks it on hers the menu is not responsive. Is this because we are using older phones or is there something else that I need to fix? Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Thread Starter hottpepper


    Daughters using iPhone 4S

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    Sorry, just going to add some more detail. It *is/was* the “primary menu” that is/was not working. I just added a “header menu” and once that was added, both menus will work – with one caveat, the “primary menu” will not work on the iPhone if on the home page, only functional on the other pages of the site. I would still like to see the primary menu functional from home page though. Thanks. Also, my iOS is 7.1 (I have been boycotting some of the changes that iOS 8 brought with it), but I have now confirmed same behavior on iOS 8 using a friends device.

    Sorry about the rambles…hope my questions/contributions help.

    Hi @hottpepper!

    I see what you’re talking about with the mobile menu not working on your homepage. It looks like it’s happening because the HTML code on that page is getting cut off prematurely, before the menu script is loaded. The post that is throwing an error and cutting of the HTML is called “A Four Day Roadtrip”, and if I try to go to that post, it is blank.

    This sort of behavior is usually caused by an error in your site code. Most likely a plugin, in this case, since your other posts seem to display just fine. Do you have any special shortcodes or other unusual content added to that post?

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    Hi @corey! It is by far the longest post and I had inserted multiple links using html, like the following example: Our nations capital is a whole lot to take in with only one day to see it, but our day was greatly assisted by the Big Bus Tours Big Bus Tours company.

    I see now that post is also not “working” on my desktop version either. I will try to edit/redo the post in a few hours and see if that jars the bugginess and it works, if not, I will likely just delete the post and hope that adding links and gallery pics in future won’t drag me down…unless you can see what my issue is?

    Ok, sounds good. Let us know how it goes.

    Are you using a gallery plugin, or just the standard WordPress gallery function?

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    Oh…I see it just linked my html…I guess that’s what it’s supposed to do ?? Let’s try again:

    Our nations capital is a whole lot to take in with only one day to see it, but our day was greatly assisted by the Big Bus Tours <a title="big bus" href="https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CPJyqQjj7U47QLbPnyQHHhICgB-zZ-dcFtIOpuI0BsuG8tmEIABACILlUKAJQmr6c_QNgyYajh9SjgBCgAfqrlfADyAEBqQJnHV7jfdS7PqoEIk_QJ0PBg4OSU3d9XWTliobrw7BbmhHYXx0i5hvMhD4be0mABZBOgAfu0-oPiAcBkAcCqAemvhs&sig=AOD64_2nd0K7qaQyKWNtlCxCpcXO1CvypQ&rct=j&q=&ved=0CC0Q0Qw&adurl=https://eng.bigbustours.com/washington/home.html" target="_blank">Big Bus Tours</a> company.

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    just the standard gallery function, but I also dragged all of this over from a different theme…so…maybe just needs a kickstart ??

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    @corey, Well hello again. I have removed the WordPress Gallery and lo and behold, the menu works and the post show up (albeit without the pics). So it seems that the Make theme is not getting along with WP gallery? Now, I guess my next step is to ask you for a recommended gallery solution? I tried to add the WP gallery back to the page and then it goes blank again and the menu doesn’t work again. I have another question (I will start new thread if you say so), I also have been playing with a handful of products before launching, I am using Woocommerce and have discovered that the cart and checkout pages are translating terribly to the iPhone, the font is way too large and wrapping around in a very unattractive way – any guidance?

    Hi @hottpepper!

    It’s odd that the standard WP gallery is causing an issue for you. We’ve never had any other reports of it having problems with Make. As a further test, you could try temporarily disabling your plugins while you have that gallery added to that post. If it suddenly works again, you’ll know there’s some kind of plugin conflict going on.

    Re: WooCommerce pages, it would probably be best to start a new thread so we don’t get our wires crossed on this one ??

    Thread Starter hottpepper


    @corey – yep it must have had something to do with one of my active plugins…It is now working with the gallery pics back in the post. FYI, the plugins that I disabled are:
    Insert PHP
    Widgetize Pages Light
    Favicon by the RealFavicon Generator
    Virtue/Pinnacle ToolKit
    Widget Logic

    (I had also disabled Updraft, Akismet and Master Slider but was able to reactivate them without eliciting the dead menu)

    Thanks so much for your help, and I hope my info help you out ?? I will start new post about the woocommerce page when I have time later tonight or tomorrow.

    Glad you were able to narrow down the culprit! It’s hard to say which of the ones on your list might be causing the issue. Keep experimenting to track it down.

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