• Resolved 9overflow


    Hello to everyone, i’m helping a friend to solve a problem on a website.
    That website is multilanguage (italian – english – russian), with default permalink all website works correctly, with pretty permalinks /%postname%/ italian and english works but Russian stop to work.. when i try to surf pages i only see homepage and i don’t know why..
    Have you any idea?
    Thank you

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  • Are your database and files correctly set to UTF8 ?
    When you try to reach an internal page do you see the URL being redirected to the home page ?
    The server log (see you control panel or ask your hosting provider) should show you what happens, either a forwarding (301 code) or more likely a not found page (404) redirecting you to the home, and from that we should know more.

    Thread Starter 9overflow


    Thanks for reply.
    Database is set tyo UTF-8 , wp-config (db charset is set to utf8).
    When i try to reach an internal page i see the Correct URL but appear the Homepage, do you know what i mean?
    On server i check log, there are no errors.

    Thread Starter 9overflow


    Ok i solve the problem with this plugin:


    With Internet Explorer i saw a strange URL, something like “%bd0%d0%….” not a pretty link, then i installed that plugin and now works, it’s strange because with Chrome i saw a correct Url, not “%bd0…”

    Ok, glad it works; not sure I can further explain, sorry.

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