• Resolved ricomtl



    I finally got around migrating over from mqTranslate to qTranslate-X and all seems to work. I have been using iTheme Security’s feature which hides the traditional wp-admin login screen to another slug.

    usually, I was able to access to my login screen xxx.com/mylogin and as soon as I activate qTranslate-X, it forces to xxx.com/fr/mylogin and that page doesn’t exist and can’t login.

    I’ve scanned all the options & checkboxes within the plugin and can’t seem to find how I could prevent this. For now, I had to disable the security feature, however I don’t like making my site more vulnerable.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author Gunu



    what is your default language?

    Read this article

    Thread Starter ricomtl


    Thks – I read the article and I am somewhat confused! ??

    My default language is FR, and I always had the option set to redirect the user to either /fr or/en based on their browser language. That is the setting I had with qTranslate & mqTranslate for the past couple of years. I’ve always been able to use it along iTheme Security’s Hide Login page feature.

    As soon as I re-activate mqTranslate, I can regain access to my login screen and I see the plugin doesn’t force a language.

    I’ll continue using mqTranslate for now unless you know if there’s a feature I must enable/disable within qTranslate-X.


    Plugin Author Gunu



    Settings – Languages – Advanced Settings – check – Hide URL language information for default language.

    Then it should work if your language is French on front-end

    Thread Starter ricomtl



    Does this mean that all my existing articles and site content under /fr indexed in Google will no longer be accessible and will have to be re-indexed?

    Plugin Author Gunu



    try it with the function checked and type in the address bar a link with the addition /fr/mypage

    Thread Starter ricomtl


    Ok, it does work if I enable “Hide URL language information for default language”. My url can be accessed either with the /fr or without and existing links in Google are still working, and so is my custom login page with iTheme Security.

    Thanks ??

    Plugin Author Gunu



    You are welcome!

    You can review this plugin to help other people to find out the value.


    Let’s say that my standard language is ‘en’ and the login slug is ‘my_login”. With the ‘Hide URL language information for default language’ it works as soon as I don’t change the language on my WordPress website.

    As soon as I changed the language to ‘es’, I try to login by giving manually the login website:

    but it will be redirected to:

    I guess a cookie with the language is set and that’s why the redirection is happening.

    I know that I can change it to ‘en’ before entering to the dashboard; however, normal users don’t know this. I think it would be better to change the current rewrite rule to something that ignores the languages. I was thinking in a regex that optionally matches the language part and rewrite to wp-login.php

    For example:
    https://mydomain.com/wordpress/my_login rewrites to:

    https://mydomain.com/wordpress/es/my_login rewrites to:

    I’m not a regex hero, so I really don’t know how to rewrite your regex:
    RewriteRule ^(/wordpress/)?my_login/?$ /wordpress/wp-login.php

    To match languages as well.

    Do you have any idea? It would be nice to implement something like that on your plugin.


    Best regards

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