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  • Hey there diegopena88,

    How are you doing today?

    You should be able to remove this by adding some custom CSS. Please try adding the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin:

    .overlay {
      background: none;

    This should remove the overlay on the image, if this doesn’t work or it is not what you’re looking for please add link to your site and screenshot explaining what you’re looking to do so I can take a look.

    Hope this helps ??

    Best regards,

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel



    This was answered a few days ago at

    Hello Kyle,

    I followed the instructions to the set the opacity to 0.0 in .overlay but it is not taking effect. Is there anything else that could be getting in the way?

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    I just tested it and it worked for me. Can you provide a link to a page where this is happening?

    Edit: Just saw your other post. Looking at the page now.

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    It appears your style.css wasn’t updated in the right spot. I still see an overlay of 0.2:

    .overlay {
        background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2) url() repeat;
        padding:0.9em 0 0
    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    Opps, missed the child style.css. Continuing looking for the cause…

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    Okay, I found it. Somehow you have this code on your page that is taking priority over the stylesheets:

    <style id="atomic-overlay-pattern" type="text/css">
    		.overlay {
    			background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) url() repeat;

    I’m not sure how it got there, but that appears to be what;s stopping your child style.css from defining the opacity.

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    I believe if you can edit the <style> I mentioned above(or remove that code and edit style.css), just remove the entire rgba(0,0,0,0.2) and it should remove the overlay. it should look like this after:

    .overlay {
    	background: url() repeat;

    Thanks for the feedback Kyle. I changed both the child and regular style.css to say this:

    .overlay {
    background: url() repeat;

    And it still doesn’t seem to be helping. I really don’t want to change the main theme though in case we get an update, but I’ll do whatever to get it working now. Any more ideas?

    Theme Author Kyle Gabriel


    What’s preventing the overlay from being removed is the following <script> in your page source. Lines 120 to 124 of your page source has the following:

    <style id="atomic-overlay-pattern" type="text/css">
    	.overlay {
    		background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) url() repeat;

    I’m not sure how that code got there, but once it’s removed, there won’t be an overlay. Perhaps it’s due to a plugin.

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