• Hi. I’m hoping to find someone that knows how to do this and would please let me know.
    I found a theme I really like but am hoping to find a way to modify it. The theme is loaded on catsandcoupons.com.
    The theme has 3 columns, the left and right both being fluid height sidebars.
    Can someone please tell me if there is a fairly easy to understand way to make my left and right sidebars the full length of the page? The width is perfect, I just don’t like the height being fluid.
    By doing this it will give the white page a little subtle color on the sides and break up the big white space. Also, having the columns uneven bugs me.
    Thanks very much.

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  • I’m trying to figure this out on my site…


    Hi Nicely –

    This will require some editing and reworking. Reach me at WebFadds.com if you’d like a quote.


    – Scott
    [signature moderated]

    I think the easiest (and most accessible) way to accomplish this is by using the “faux columns” method. Basically, you create a background image containing the appropriate colors for all three columns (or however many you want). A List Apart has an excellent article on doing this: https://alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/


    viabledesign, thank you so much!

    Thanks for the comments! I’ve tried the faux way, but as I have a different background for the body and page vs the content area and sidebar, that doesn’t work.

    See https://fayettenamrecords.com/beta/

    Is this just impossible?


    next time read the Forum Rules section F before posting!


    The background I was referring to is for the div that could contain both the “narrowcolumn” and the “sidebar,” not the page body. You could feasibly create a horizontal sliver of an image — white for the “narrowcolumn” and orange for the border and tan for the “sidebar” — and y-repeat it throughout the container div.

    I hope that’s not confusing. I really like your site design, especially the little village-like graphic around the search box. (What is that, btw?) I don’t remember there being so much gray at the top last night, though…


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