Exhibit 1.0b release
I’ve made a few updates to the Exhibit code for 1.0b, which is now available online here.
You can see some of the simple stuff Exhibit does here.
Some of the features from my compiled list are now complete, but I’ve decided to save image uploading for a new plugin, since the code is pretty weighty already and uploading has little to do with content display. And many people were waiting for some of this stuff, so I thought I’d throw you a bone.
Lots of crazy new features here. I hope it’s not too confusing.
If you’re an existing user, you should only need to replace the exhibit10.php file to get this working. Be mindful to change the configuration settings in the new file to match your old ones.
If you’re a new user, welcome and good luck! The instructions for installation, etc. are in the exhibit10.php file.
Let me know how it goes…
https://www.asymptomatic.net/wp%2Dhacks/exhibit10.zip is the link I see. If I recall that’s the same as the old link. Does this need to be changed to https://www.asymptomatic.net/wp%2Dhacks/exhibit10b.zip or is that actually the correct file and I should go ahead and download it?
I went ahead and downloaded it to find out – https://www.asymptomatic.net/wp%2Dhacks/exhibit10.zip (as provided by the link in the initial post) is correct. Thanks a ton ringmaster :-). Installing now – hope it works!
Yeah, actually, the new file (1.0b) is at the old address. The link in my original post above is correct.
Conversely, the old file is here.
I’ve confused you all already. This isn’t a good sign.Thank you so very, very much!
It works!
I love the new features!
Multiple previews, able to put thumbs at top of page, exhibit inside post, etc. Inline Display works nicely. [any way to get it to (in the future) exchange the photo instead of reloading the whole page?]
Anyhow here’s an example of how nice it works with INLINE DISPLAY now!
I also like how the admin interface looks, no more mysql error showing with the need to save the post first.
And then the INSERT feature — really great.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten. I simply edited the two other photo posts I had already created under the old EXHIBIT, I was able to choose more previews, which I did for one of them. I hand put the code for< !--exhibit-- >
inside the posts before discovering the insert code … but that’s alright, for I can do that easily when wanting the default config settings. Cool, cool, cool, even with how hot it is today! ??
For those UPGRADING: you’ll need to add a new css class to exhibit.css — like so for what I wanted mine to look like:
.ex_fullsize {border:10px solid #ccc; padding:10px; }
.ex_fullsize img (border:10px solid white;)
That’s the only thing I did, add those two classes in exhibit.css (I make my .css files writable online to quickly edit them as I desire online anywhere I may be) and looked thru the config changes and made them how I wanted, and uploaded exhibit10.php to overwrite the old one.
Fast and easy.Ok I do have one request:
When choosing more than one preview to show up on the front page with the post, the thumbs go vertical, messing up the layout for me since I usually have the post very short on the front page … so one photo preview is fine, but when adding two or more they run together vertically ( so I put a padding around them in .css to make them look better) but since they are all in one DIV their is no way to make them go horizontal.
So can you re-code the preview part to put a separate div around each preview thumbnail … as it is for all the thumbs on the single post page? Then this way they could go horizontal, and if there was a setting to allow horizontal or vertical … that would be even better than just having it one way or the other … hmmm, or is there a way to make it so that IF there were DIV’s around each preview, .css could make them go vertical … I think I’m getting the idea that it would mean a wrapper DIV around the Image DIV’s, that would make it choosable via .css, but then that’d be an always default situation.
In any case, just looking through the code, it seems like, but I’m not sure, that the part that specifies ex_thumb_preview says to put DIV wrappers around each photo, but then, again I guess since it looks like how I’m putting below, on the source code for the index.php, it wouldn’t be so, since the span for “view more …” is in that one ex_thumb_preview DIV …
Like so it’s written on the index.php:
<div class="ex_thumb_preview_wrap"> <img src="https://www.pastoralfarms.com/weblog/images/2004/May_19_cats/t/P5190018.jpg" alt="Strider ears back ??May 19, 2004" /> <img src="https://www.pastoralfarms.com/weblog/images/2004/May_19_cats/t/P5190019.jpg" alt="Dixie ??May 19, 2004" /><span class="ex_preview_prompt">View more...</span></div>
I’d like to see this as a wrapper<div class="ex_thumb_preview">
then individual DIVS around the img’s<div class="ex_thumb_preview">
inside the wrapper … if that’s possible. Or at least could you supply a “hack” code to do that, since I’m not super good at hacking all php code.
I think this is the relevent portion of the code:
under:function exhibit_content($content)
and under this portion :// The post content is one of many posts on the page
// See if there is a preview picture for this post
// Since there is a preview picture, display it and the content
$ret = '';
$ret .= $content;
$ret .= '<div class="ex_thumb_preview">';
foreach($previews as $preview)
if (preg_match('|post.php|', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
$startlink = '<div>';
$endlink = '</div>';
$startlink = exhibit_thumbnail_link($preview, true);
$startlink = '';
$endlink = '';
$ret .= $startlink.'<img src="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/'.$preview->thumb.'" alt="'.$preview->caption.'" />'.$endlink;
if('' != $exc->preview_prompt)
if ((!preg_match('|post.php|', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && (count($previews) != 1)) ||
$startlink = '';
$ret .= "<span class=\"ex_preview_prompt\">{$startlink}{$exc->preview_prompt}{$endlink}</span>";
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= $content;
return $ret;
You can see how it affects a front page by viewing my PHOTOGRAPHY category page
That’s the only snaggy kind of thing I’ve run into … so that’s super MeThinks!Thanks for the gr8 script dude!
Hey. I’ve been trying out exhibit and posting as an anon but I finally decided to go ahead and register. Anyway, here’s a couple suggestions that I’ve noticed/thought of.
If you look here:
you can see how the preview image #6 drops to the next line, even when the images have a space to be inserted. Perhaps a slight problem with how the code is formatting the XHTML?
Also, one tiny thing, the preview images link like so:
instead of taking the permalink structure from the rest of the site (https://www.caseyandanna.com/archives/2004/06/11/hi/#more) when they are set to display in line. Perhaps there is some way to just send them to the site with the permalinks intact?Anna also wants me to ask about horizontal preview images (Such as the way you have them at vexme). I guess that’s what georgian lady also asked though.
It should be academic to get the previews to go horizontal by altering the exhibit CSS. Here is the relevant section of VexMe.com’s CSS that enables the smaller horizontal previews — I’m sure you’ll see my original sneaky little trick in the comments of the ‘a’ element:
.ex_thumb_preview {
padding: 3px;
border:1px solid #cccccc;
/*text-align: center;*/
.ex_thumb_preview a {
/*display: block;*/
.ex_thumb_preview img {
width: 50px;
I think the thumbnails sometimes don’t line up properly because of the way they’re set to float:left when they have extra length due to the photo captions. As a result, it doesn’t lay out cleanly like two columns in a table, but it’s a bit more dynamic without having to explicitly set crazy stuff like how many table columns you want.
My best advice until someone figures out how to fix this with some crafty CSS is to increase the height setting for each thumbnail so that it will hold any possible caption text. That way, all of the thumbnail DIVs will be the same size and flow together more cleanly.
Regarding permalinks: I thought about this a little, but I don’t see a good way that I can pass the photo ID to a permalink. For example, if I took the URL you suggested (https://www.caseyandanna.com/archives/2004/06/11/hi/), where would the image ID go? Any suggestions how I might do this go toward possibly accomplishing it.
I’ll add a scripted image swap on thumbnail click to the wishlist, ‘lady.
By the way, everyone’s pictures have been very entertaining. Some unusual, some thoughtful. Sometimes it’s just interesting to see how other people spend their time. Neat!Great! The CHMOD Function is good and easy! But I think I’ve some Problems with the Settings to Display the List of Images like it was done in 1.0a! I have always only one single big Picture in my Entry instead of a List of Images! What went wrong?
Do I have to use these nice little Comment-Tags that handle exhibit? I have tried some of them but nothing happens, and perhaps I have also found an error in the comment structure! If it is set <!–####–> the comment is shown on the final page, but with <!– #### –> it’s O.K.
…Ups, I have tried some settings in the php, and it seems that I have solved this Problem…
.ex_thumb_preview {
padding: 3px;
border:1px solid #cccccc;
text-align: center;
.ex_thumb_preview img {
border:1px solid #ccc;
.ex_thumb_preview a {
display: block;
That what I have in my exhibit.css right now. I also put it exactly the way you have it Ringmaster, and the only difference in output that way is that the border for the DIV goes wide, filling the space … the photos are still stacked one on top of the other vertically.
I see on Vexme.com that they are horizontal, and that Vexes ME! ??
About the other floating issue that casey brought up, that’s a traditional problem with how wide the space in the browswer is (browser re-sizing will line them up differently as you pull it wider or narrower, etc.) what the monitor resolution is for whoever is viewing it, and so on.
Like Ringmaster said, making the divs all one height aleviates this problem, to the large degree it does get rid of that hanging weirdo thing, but it will not get rid of movement of the divs depending on how large the page is being displayed, since they are “floating” elements. Something I can live with.
I have a decent monitor size and resolution, so I don’t notice many of the problems of floating, but since Casey brought it up, I’ll see about making those DIVS larger in Height to accomodate more text comment conformity to size. [done]
So that’s the deal, I can’t make those front page thumb previews go horizontal. Even my hammer didn’t make them move ??Right, that line in the CSS needs to be removed or commented. If ‘.ex_thumb_preview a‘ is set to
, it will display as if each image is in its own paragraph. If it’s set todisplay:inline
(the default), it should display horizontally.
Just copy what I’ve got up there, including the commented styles, and paste it over top of the existing style definitions in exhibit.css.
It’s good to know that you can tack on the picture images as a querystring for the SEF permalinks. I’ll look through the WP code to obtain the permalink for the current post, and just tack the ?pic=# to the end of that.
Look for that in the next revision…
Also, I’m thinking about adding a pagination feature to Exhibit. If set, the thumbnails would appear on the page after the last page of your post, and thumbnails that exceed a certain count would spill onto subequent pages. Basically, this would give you a Pictoralis-like photoblog without having to use a specialized WordPress. Thoughts?Hmmm, I thought I’d replied here earlier, and guess I must not have submitted it (too many browser windows!)
I got my thumbs to go horizontal, thanks, I was a blockhead ??
Another thing then I want to just rave about is that you can denote thumbs to show but not popup on the front page, and have them pop up on the single page, or have them pop up on both pages … it’s all in the insert codings, and the combinations will drive anyone nuts, in a good way, of course!
One thing I wanted to clarify, what is it about the POPUP coding … is it written into each pictures link code … if set to TRUE in the config portion for writing popup stuff forced or never.
I wasn’t clear on how that worked. At any rate, I don’t have popups set for my base options, so if one wants to use them on occasion, what should they do?
ex_popImage isn’t in the instructions to copy to the head of index.php … I discovered this whole thing this afternoon when posting a new picture. So I looked around and couldn’t figure that out, so I just changed the line in code to look for my other popup script.
I’m fine with that, just thought it’d be nice for you to clarify what the popup window code options are and what to do about it all.
Thanks! I’m really loving this version now, and what you are talking about pagination … that sounds good. A great gallery feature, oh ringmaster you are building this into a monument of wonder for all to desire, or so I feel it should be. ??
Are you still looking at a gallery feature for all pictures in directories, not tied to any posts at all, just all the pictures. That would be the icing on the cake.Take some rest georgianlady ??
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