Don’t take it personal, you asked for us to take a look.
I really like the color scheme, for the most part – however I agree that the hovers don’t work with the background on some of the ads. For instance under the “Headlines and News” bits whenever I hover over a headline the background turns a dark gray and I can’t read the black test anymore.
I also agree it looks a bit cluttered.. perhaps you should try rotating some of the banners on the site instead of having all 300 of them on the page at one time. When you have that many on the page, I just instinctively ignore them all..
It literally took me 5 minutes to find the “About The Blog” link that Whooami was talking about – because it was buried 2/3 of the way down an entire column of banner ads. I imagine casual readers won’t even know it’s there and isn’t going to bother to scan through all of those buttons to see what’s at the bottom.
A few suggestion to reduce clutter: I’d move the amazon and other ‘buy me stuff’ buttons to their own page called something like “Support this blogger” or something. That way the people who are seeing them are ones that actually want to support you – plus, they don’t detract attention from the more important buttons.
I’d also move the stats buttons to their own page or at least to the bottom. While you and I find it interesting, the average visitor doesn’t care that Akismet stopped x number of spam comments and how many hits/visitors you have.
You have 4 graphical links to feedburner plus two other link to your RSS feeds. Yikes.
I’d remove the calendar, I never understood the purpose anyway.
Move your blogroll/pages/Archives to the top of the columns.
I’d seriously think about reducing some of those RSS feeds.. the page is HUGE… take a look at this: