I installed the pro version of File Uploader and edited the basic shortcode to suit my needs. I got this far:
[wordpress_file_upload captcha="true" captchatype="RecaptchaV2 (no account)" uploadpatterns="*.m4a,*.mp3,*.ogg,*.wav,*.wma" maxsize="500" placements="title/filename/selectbutton/uploadbutton/subfolders/captcha/userdata/filelist/progressbar/message" uploadtitle="" captchaprompt="Kirjoita merkkisarja alla olevaan kentt??n." successmessage="File %filename% uploaded successfully!" warningmessage="File %filename% uploaded successfully but with warnings." errormessage="File %filename% not uploaded." waitmessage="File %filename% is being uploaded." notify="true" notifyrecipients="[email protected]" notifymessage="Dear Recipient,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new file has been uploaded." widths="filename:275px, selectbutton:60px, uploadbutton:60px"]
My intention was to continue with CSS customization but at this point I cannot edit the shortcode at all. I tried to access it via Dashboard (logged out two times and back again) and via the browser editor (the yellow button on the top-left corner of the plugin) but clicking edit just opens up the WordPress File Upload Control Panel main view.