Well, as noted in the previous post, for some reason, when responding to your post, before that & since the update, it had been showing one column, something even other users confirm, in my case in spite of repeated saving/cache clearing.
Then since you asked which theme I was using, I decided DURING the writing of the post, to try out other themes & added =>
Twentythirteen & Mesocolumn show multiple columns, though.
and, …
STRANGELY, after testing & reverting to firmasite theme, after testing the 2 mentioned above, I find the products in 4 columns (in firmasite), after several saving sessions & cache clearing the day the update came produced no change.
After updating, it seems the settings under “Product Type:”, which had inherited “t-shirts” from old plugin where causing the issue, probably being in a format the updated plugin could not use & so showed all products.
I am quite sure after updating and noting it was showing only one column, which led me to starting the post, it was showing T-shirts as pre-selected.
Today is when I noticed the updated options under “Product Type:”. These were definitely NOT there before & seem to have been updated OR became visible subsequently.
So after selecting “Clothing | Men | t-shirts”, these are correctly printed.
So now in a way there is no problem. ??
I have in fact been able to create several pages with different product types, though I discovered, that if you for example select on the Zazzle.com/store-name under “Departments” => Clothing => Women the URL like …/womens+clothing?dp=252290791492171664 & extract => 252290791492171664 & use it in => [zStoreBasic productType=’252290791492171664′], it displays ALL products under “women” & one does not need to create separate pages for the different subcategories (with that code in the csv file), if one wants to include a number of different products on the same page. One can for example display all products under “Office products” (mouse pads, mugs, etc) department on one page.
That is great, because it is something I had wanted to ask if it is possible.
The remaining question is: is there any chance of being able to display more than one store on the same website? I assume the plugin only allows one store (Contributor Handle: ?), (or not?). It would make sense if this were possible, so someone does not need different websites, especially if one has more than one small store but with different themes …
Thank you for the great plugin & regards