• Resolved legnaleama


    I’ve created a couple of custom post types in order to test the plugin and now when I try to delete them nothing happens and all I get is “Please provide a post type to delete”.

    What am I doing wrong? I go to “Edit Post Types” on the CPT UI administration page, the type on the select box is the one I need to remove, I click “Delete Post Type” and the message pops… it’s really annoying ??

    I have also tried to look for the post type on my DB but what I want to remove is the dashboard menu item so I believe what I have to find is the functions where this is being outputed, right?

    THX in advance



    I think the issue has to do with the fact that I created one of the CPT with spaces on the slug field in one case and with a middle line on the other ??

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    If you could provide the import/export settings, it’d be easy to replace those spaces with underscores. You could then re-import the post types and get it all taken care of.

    Thread Starter legnaleama


    That looked like a perfect idea BUT it didn’t work ??

    The import run successfully but when I clicked on submit it didn’t remove the CPT it just emptied all the parametres but the content type is still there… Should I just remove all the lines regarding that CPT on the import and leave only the ones that I want?


    Nevermind, I have tried importing again and removing one last white space that I missed and now I could remove it with no hassle!

    Thanks Michael and great plugin!

    Thread Starter legnaleama


    All good now!

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Excellent. Thanks for the updates.

    I’ve just had to do this and it worked fine. I simply grabbed the export information and deleted the post type I did not need from this data and then imported the remaining content back in and the unwanted post type was gone. All template files remained and are working fine.

    This is what i had to delete and left the rest:

    “our projects”:{“name”:”our projects”,”label”:”Our Projects”,”singular_label”:”Our Project”,”description”:”Project with details.”,”public”:”true”,”show_ui”:”true”,”has_archive”:”false”,”has_archive_string”:””,”exclude_from_search”:”false”,”capability_type”:”post”,”hierarchical”:”false”,”rewrite”:”true”,”rewrite_slug”:””,”rewrite_withfront”:”true”,”query_var”:”true”,”menu_position”:””,”show_in_menu”:”true”,”show_in_menu_string”:””,”menu_icon”:””,”supports”:[“title”,”thumbnail”],”taxonomies”:[],”labels”:{“menu_name”:”Our Projects”,”all_items”:”All Projects”,”add_new”:”Add New”,”add_new_item”:”Add New Project”,”edit”:”Edit”,”edit_item”:”Edit Project”,”new_item”:”New Project”,”view”:”View”,”view_item”:”View Project”,”search_items”:”Search Project”,”not_found”:”No Projects Found”,”not_found_in_trash”:”Not Found in Trash”,”parent”:”Parent Project”},”custom_supports”:””},”

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Doing what needs to be done. I have it in the starter notes to not use spaces…but not sure how to highlight it any more without being too in peoples face about it. Plus I can’t say it’s all from new users, some may be older ones from long ago.

    thanks Michael Beckwith
    you saved my day

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser


    Hey Michael,
    I have exactly the same problem with CPT – I named it with a space in the slug and now I can’t delete it. The problem is that the solution you suggested doesn’t work for me. Please tell me if we are talking about exporting database or exporting content from WP (via WP Dashboard) – and then changing the name of the CPT? Either Way I can’t locate the code to change the name of the slug.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    It’ll be the “Import/Export” submenu item from the CPTUI admin menu item. If you’re on the latest version, you’ll see a screen with 4 tabs, “Post Types”, “Taxonomies”, “Get Code”, and “Debug Info” and be on the first tab. Copy the right side textarea into the left side empty textarea, change the space to an underscore, and then click import. Once done, you should be able to delete the post type successfully again.

    Thank you a lot for such a quick response. It works perfectly. I don’t know why I didn’t look for it in CPTUI section – my mistake. Thank you a lot for your help and for a extremely helpful WP Plugin ??

    I’ve created a one custom post types in order to try the plugin and now when I try to delete them nothing happens and all I get is “Please provide a post type to delete”.

    What am I doing wrong? I go to “Edit Post Types” on the CPT UI administration page, the type on the select box is the one I need to remove, I click “Delete Post Type” and the message pops…

    I have also tried the “Import/Export” submenu item from the CPTUI admin menu item without sucess, I put this:
    Next I receave one Info : Post types has been successfully imported
    But i can delete

    My debug info is:

    ### Begin Custom Post Type UI Debug Info ###
    		Multisite:                No
    		SITE_URL:                 https://www.botoctrlsaver.pt
    		HOME_URL:                 https://www.botoctrlsaver.pt
    		WordPress Version:        4.4.2
    		Permalink Structure:      /%postname%/
    		Active Theme:             Sydney Child 1.0
    		Registered Post Types:    post, page, attachment, revision, nav_menu_item, wp-types-group, wp-types-user-group, wpcf7_contact_form, portflio, portflio_, tt_font_control, services, employees, testimonials, clients, project
    		PHP Version:              5.6.18
    		MySQL Version:            5.6.26
    		Web Server Info:          Apache
    		Show On Front:            page
    		Page On Front:            Inicio (#167)
    		Page For Posts:           Blog (#169)
    		WordPress Memory Limit:   40MB
    Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: 2.2.8
    Contact Form 7: 4.4
    Custom Post Type UI: 1.2.4
    Duplicate Post: 2.6
    Easy Facebook Likebox: 4.2.2
    Easy Google Fonts: 1.3.9
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 3.9.4
    Lightbox Plus Colorbox: 2.7.2
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin: 2.3.2
    Recent Posts Widget Extended:
    Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content:
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: 1.5.9
    Spacer: 3.0.1
    TinyMCE Advanced: 4.2.8
    TJ Custom CSS: 0.1.6
    Toolset Types: 1.9.1
    WP Super Cache: 1.4.8
    Advanced Custom Fields: 4.4.5
    Akismet: 3.1.8
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.9.9
    Simple Custom CSS: 3.3
    Title Remover: 1.0
    Yoast SEO: 3.1.1
    Post Types:
    		### End Debug Info ###

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    The issue for you rboto is that you put special characters in your slugs, which are causing array index mismatch issues, thus inability to delete.

    See: portf\u00f3lio_, portf\u00f3lio

    1.3.0 is going to have better prevention of this, but is not quite ready yet.

    IF you want to start fresh, you can do an import of: {""} and it’ll remove the option for the post type. That way you can start fresh and leave the accented characters out of the slug field.

    Thank you a lot for such a quick response. It works perfectly.

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