• My wordpress webpage was working perfect until today when i woke up and took a look at my webpage.
    I get this error:
    Fatal error: SUHOSIN – Use of preg_replace() with /e modifier is forbidden by configuration in /home/winblog/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php(446) : regexp code on line 446

    What i can do ?

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  • you have suhosin installed and it’s conflicting with whatever is “kses.php”

    Thread Starter wingate


    So this is from webserver that my blog is on?

    IF YES: Does exist any alternative method to solve this?

    I have the same exact problem!!

    Thread Starter wingate


    labellavita … i found the problem.
    As “devrails” sayed, it’s from server.
    My webpage is on “exofire” and seems they made 3 PHP configurations where 1’st one has the most restrictions that affect my webpage.
    I don’t know on what webhosting you have the script but i think you should ask administrator to change your configuration.

    Thank you !

    Ok, I have x10hosting but the problem is the same, they have we PHP configurations like yours, but they let me choose the appropiate config to run WordPress ??

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