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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey phidippides,

    Are you displaying photos from a Facebook page or group? Is it possible to send me the ‘System Info’ from the plugin to help me figure out what’s going on? You can find this on the ‘Support’ tab which is on the plugin’s ‘Settings’ page.

    Many thanks, and I hope you’re having a good weekend!


    Thread Starter phidippides


    John, it’s set to display a page. Here is the System INfo:

    Site URL:                 [removed]
    Home URL:                 [removed]
    WordPress Version:        4.2.2
    PHP Version:              5.4.40
    Web Server Info:          Apache
    PHP allow_url_fopen:      Yes
    PHP cURL:                 Yes
    JSON:                     Yes
    SSL Stream:               Yes
    BackUpWordPress Backup Plugin: 3.2.6
    blueimp lightbox: 1.1.1
    Broken Link Checker: 1.10.9
    Business Profile: 1.0.6
    Contact Form 7: 4.2
    Crafty Social Buttons: 1.4.2
    Custom Facebook Feed: 2.3.5
    Easy Google Fonts: 1.3.7
    Genesis eNews Extended: 1.4.1
    Genesis Footer Builder: 1.1.2
    Genesis Responsive Slider: 0.9.2
    Genesis Simple Sidebars: 2.0.1
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: 4.8
    InfiniteWP - Client: 1.3.13
    Jetpack by 3.5.3
    Lead Call Buttons: 1.0.3
    MailPoet Newsletters: 2.6.15
    Menu Icons: 0.7.0
    Multicons: 2.1
    Personal Contact Info Widget: 1.2
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.9.7
    Simple Custom CSS: 3.2
    Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget: 3.3.1
    Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening: 1.7.11
    Ultimate Maintenance Mode: 1.6.1
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.1
    WordPress SEO: 2.2.1
    WPi Designer Button Shortcode: 2.3.96
    Use own Access Token:
    Access Token:
    Page ID:                696228087119762
    Page Type:              page
    Number of Posts:        2
    Post Limit:
    Show Posts by:          onlyothers
    Cache Time:             1
    Cache Unit:             days
    Locale:                 en_US
    Timezone:               America/New_York
    ## CUSTOMIZE: ##
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    {"data":[{"id":"696228087119762_862578843818018","from":{"name":"FORTE Luggage Services","category":"Business Services","category_list":[{"id":"187133811318958","name":"Business Services"},{"id":"177492522293723","name":"Luggage Service"}],"id":"696228087119762"},"story":"FORTE Luggage Services added a new photo.","picture":"https:\/\/\/hphotos-xfp1\/v\/t1.0-9\/s130x130\/11133773_862578843818018_252889050004835973_n.jpg?oh=f20d79adcea82ed7fa42e428001d651c&oe=55F436AE","link":"https:\/\/\/696228087119762\/photos\/a.791509014258335.1073741829.696228087119762\/862578843818018\/?type=1","icon":"https:\/\/\/images\/icons\/photo.gif","privacy":{"value":"","description":"","friends":"","allow":"","deny":""},"type":"photo","status_type":"added_photos","object_id":"862578843818018","created_time":"2015-06-20T02:32:29+0000","updated_time":"2015-06-20T02:32:29+0000","shares":{"count":1},"is_hidden":false,"is_expired":false,"likes":{"data":[{"id":"708630552600024","name":"Joe Forte"}],"paging":{"cursors":{"after":"NzA4NjMwNTUyNjAwMDI0","before":"NzA4NjMwNTUyNjAwMDI0"}}}}],"paging":{"previous":"https:\/\/\/v2.0\/696228087119762\/feed?limit=1&since=1434767549&access_token=611606915581035|RdRHbHtrHseQw4C7SDUBFWIrJLA&__paging_token=enc_AdD5mWZCDvl5A5FOPMsLhtkeGW4Qq20QAEEQa48J54127ixYoE0q3UCyr69e22O3ObizwEuEIXNR0w0L1W89fWIX7hZCOz80de64Bx6lQUETY4IgZDZD&__previous=1","next":"https:\/\/\/v2.0\/696228087119762\/feed?limit=1&access_token=611606915581035|RdRHbHtrHseQw4C7SDUBFWIrJLA&until=1434767549&__paging_token=enc_AdD5mWZCDvl5A5FOPMsLhtkeGW4Qq20QAEEQa48J54127ixYoE0q3UCyr69e22O3ObizwEuEIXNR0w0L1W89fWIX7hZCOz80de64Bx6lQUETY4IgZDZD"}}
    Plugin Author smashballoon



    I’m able to duplicate the problem and will need to do some testing to see what’s going on. As it’s Father’s day today I don’t have much time to get to this until tomorrow, but as a temporary fix you could increase the number of posts and then add the following to the plugin’s Custom CSS section, which is under the misc tab on the plugin’s Customize page:

    .author-forte-luggage-services{ display: none; }

    This will hide any posts created by your page.


    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey phidippides,

    Just to let you know that I found the issue and will be pushing out a bug fix ASAP. Thanks for letting me know about the problem.


    Thread Starter phidippides


    John, thanks so much for your help with this. The temporary CSS fix works for the time being, and I will be looking forward to your next update.

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey phidippides,

    I’ve pushed out a silent update to fix this, as it’s not really a big enough issue to push out an update to all users for. Could you try updating the plugin manually by following these directions, and let me know whether it fixes the issue for you?

    1. Go to the following page: Customize > Misc, and then scroll to the bottom and check the setting which says ‘Preserve settings when plugin is removed’.
    2. Uninstall the plugin
    3. Install the plugin again

    The issue was that since the Facebook API 2.0 update all calls to the API now require an Access Token, whereas some calls didn’t before. I added the Access Token variable to the request and it should all be working now. If it’s still not working for you then please let me know.


    Thread Starter phidippides


    Just to follow up – thanks, John. That seems to have done the trick.

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    You’re welcome, happy to help! ??

    No obligation, but if you feel like leaving a super-quick review then it’s always hugely appreciated and really helps to support the plugin!

    Have a great weekend!


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