• When members subscribe payment through paypal goes through. When the new member logs in, the site cancels the membership. it doesnt happen to everyone. but im loosing members. After calling paypal several times my account is in perfect standing. A member also called and after they checked his account was also in perect standing. So the issue is why is membershippro sending a cancelation signal? can some one help?


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  • bcrab


    Did you ever figure this out? I see posts about this issue from up to 2 years ago and NEVER any resolution.




    your problem seem to be the same as mine https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/bugs-with-paypal-for-membership-renewal?replies=1 :the recurrent payment with Paypal isn’t constant (which is the great part of this module…).





    @akkolad Thank you, but I’m not receiving an SSL error, in fact, the payments are displayed as successful in PayPal, but after it’s completed, the order is immediately canceled.

    PayPal Express
    IPN URL set in PayPal
    PayPal account in good standing
    All plugins and core up to date

    A user paid twice and system auto-cancels each time.

    IPN shows it went through fine.

    This has happened to at least 20 members upon signup in a single day.

    IPN was not set initially per the instructions in the plugin, but we had a significant amount of cancelations like the one mentioned above, it’s decreased since IPN has been set.



    Ok, I do not use SSL me either…
    I have just made a test :

    • I activated IPN
    • I paid with a Paypal account, everything seems to be OK but I got a blank page after the submit of the last page of the “funnel purchasing”
    • I consult the IPN notifications history and the type of the IPN is “Autorisation de facturation pour paiements récurrents annulée” which means “billing authorization for recurring payments canceled”.

    Is this the same for you ?

    Maybe the bank refuses the payment, but why ?
    And why the blank page ?



    The blank page is where your issue differs from mine.

    That could be a setting error – to complete the transaction upon redirect, be it in PayPal or PMpro (possible redirect/loop issue?). I’d compare the URL to your PMpro and PayPal settings and run a dev console to capture the data once it’s published.

    However, I ran a full report and compared accounts in PayPal that failed to accounts that succeeded, and I’ve found that PayPal accounts that are “unverified” are the transactions that are being canceled immediately (without reaching a “completed” status).

    Check the accounts that have failed on your end (for recurring payments)… I’m curious if they’re “unverified.”

    FYI, I’m running SSL throughout the entire site. But in PMpro, the extra SSL filter is disabled.



    You’re right the Paypal account with which I’ve tried the payment is unverified (the bank card is linked, but not the Bank account). This maybe explain the payment failure.

    I changed the membership to a non recurring payment, retry the test and this time I’ve got an error message on the payment page of my website (“This transaction couldn’t be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.”) in place of the blank page.
    Which is not great but better than the blank page.

    Hey @akkolad

    Did you figure this out? I’m dealing with PayPal to see if they can dig up anymore data… transaction details are very limited and we still have this issue.

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