Google Translate text
How can I remove the ‘Powered by Google Translate’ text below the Select Language box?
you can do that by going to:
Advanced > General > Custom CSS, and use:
.goog-te-gadget { visibility: collapse; } .goog-te-gadget span { display: none !important; } .goog-te-gadget div { visibility: visible; }
However, you should know that this is against Google TOS:
You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell… fincan porselen mutfak
@ducas2019 Please don’t post SPAM messages here.
Thanks for the code and the info.
Regarding the TOS I have seen other Google translate plugins that do not have that Google line anywhere at all. I was wondering how they could do it.
From a legal point of view I think it is better to keep it.
So could you kindly provide the code where I can change the font size, font family and color for all the words in the ‘Powered by Google Translate’ text?
Also, is it possible to change the background color grey of the arrow in the drop down menu to some other color?
EdYes, there are other plugins that completely remove the Google branding. The problem is their users don’t know they are breaking Google’s TOS. And ultimately, the users are liable for sanctions or other legal related subjects.
Yes, it’s better to leave it as it is. Remember, if you change the colors or any other thing, you’ll be breaking the TOS too.
The branding line is not just text, Google is an image.
To change the Powered by part, use the .goog-te-gadget selector.
To change the Google part (is an image), use the .goog-te-gadget img selector.
To change the Translate part, use the .goog-logo-link selector.
Make sure to use the !important declaration in every style definition.
Thanks a lot for the code.
I was looking at the Google’s TOS available in this link –
I found the following:
“Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.”It does not state anything about restrictions on modification in specific. As far as using the Translate, Google provides its own code of its plugin for a website. Then this could mean that no external plugin should be used but Google’s own interface.
The thing I see here is that Google has not clearly mentioned in specific all the types of misuses. For instance, if the ‘Powered by Google Translate’ is long that it makes the website look weird one should be able to at least shorten its length (of course without removing a single word) as per the design of the site.
Going by the broad definition of the terms Google only seems to allow its own plugin and not any other. Again this is a grey area.
EdThe Google’s TOS:
You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our Services or included software…
I think it’s quite clear.
Sorry, I did not read below as I was looking at the misuse terms.
Actually there are many sites that use the Translate without the Tagline and yet Google hasn’t taken any action.
Therefore I think that adjusting the dimension as per each site’s requirement should be a non-issue.
Just one more thing, could you kindly provide the code to adjust the height and the width of the Translate box?
EdI’m not sure what do you mean by Translate box. Are you referring about the drop down combo?
Yes, I am referring to the drop down combo.
One thing have noticed is that the drop down arrow differs in shape and color for different browsers. Do you know why is it so?
EdTo change the combo, use the .goog-te-combo selector.
The combos are rendered different simply because different browsers render them in different ways.
But is it possible to change the background color of the drop down arrow which is grey now to say blue?
There’s little you can change about the styling of a drop down combo, see:
Remember to use the .goog-te-combo selector.
I agree with you. Seeing the code I don’t see much that can be done.
Again, I have a question. I really thought that my queries were over. When I select languages such as Filipino, French etc., the translated words happen to extend outside the boundary. For instance in the Navigation or the Header Menu, the word ‘Contact us’ in English when translated to Filipino is a long word that stretches outside the menu.
So is there anyway possible to keep it within the menu boundary?
Also I have seen that the position of items (like images, time widget) that are next to the drop down combo box gets changed when selecting languages other than English.
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