Hey @dschwartz – Sorry for the delay getting back to your additional question. To increase the size of the multi-level buttons and general other text areas is similar to the CSS Matt showed above. Essentially, something like this:
//Increase button size of multi-level buttons
ul#give-donation-level-button-wrap button {
font-size: 22px;
//Increase field labels
#give-recurring-form .form-row label, form.give-form .form-row label, form[id*=give-form] .form-row label {
font-size: 22px;
The forms can look really good with only a minor bit of CSS tweaking. We provide base styles and are always working to improve how it looks with popular commercial theme.
I’m going to mark this topic as resolved as we can’t continue to provide CSS tweaks and suggestions back and forth.
If you have another question please feel free to open up a new topic!
Thanks ??
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