• Hi Chris, great plugin.

    Is there any way that the user can download the voucher more than once? For example, if I download the voucher on my work and I forget to bring it with me and I need to download it again at home to print, the plugin say that already download that voucher (and is true but I need to donwload again). How I can do this? can edit something in the files?

    thanks you for you help!


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  • if you want unlimited downloads you could just change

    // if the voucher has been downloaded
                    if ( "" != $download_guid && "" != $row->email && "0" != $row->downloaded ) {
                        return "downloaded";


    // if the voucher has been downloaded
                    if ( "" != $download_guid && "" != $row->email && "0" != $row->downloaded ) {
                        return "valid";

    on line 2664 of voucherpress.php

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