• Resolved David


    Hi Chouby,

    I’m working on a custom theme that I’m developing from scratch and I’m experiencing some weird behaviors in regards to which template file is displayed. Right now I stumbled across an issue with pages in the first level of the hierarchy.

    en/profile/ -> shows taxonomy.php
    en/profile/faculty/ -> shows page.php

    After researching here and online this is what I tried so far to no avail:

    • I deactivated my theme and all plugins and activated twentyfifteen. After setting the correct menu and adding my custom taxonomies my page showed as expected. On the page I query the taxonomies and they are rendered as expected.
    • Then I activated my theme again and the page still renders
    • Now I activated the Polylang plugin (v1.7.6) and the first url above is redirected to the taxonomy.php template file
    • I then downloaded the current development version of Polylang (v1.7.6.4), activated it and still the same redirect error

    In between these steps I hit ‘Save Changes’ in the Permalinks Settings to clear the cache and I manually deleted the ‘_transient_pll_languages_list’ in the ‘wp_options’ table. I wanted to make sure nothing is cached – possibly total overkill.

    But still, the wrong template file is rendered. A hint might be that the browser title states ‘English | Languages | Site’. Can you please help me out here?

    Thank you.


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  • Thread Starter David


    This was a bug totally unrelated to polylang. The reason was that I used a reserved term for one of my custom taxonomies… n00b mistake.

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