I had a problem after this update. When I visited wp-admin I just got a white screen but my site was still working.
If this is happening to you then here’s how I fixed it:
Log in to your web hosts webFTP
Find your plugins folder (it’s in wp-content)
Change the name to pluginss – adding the extra ‘s’ automatically disables all plugins
You should now be able to get back in to your site through wp-admin
To find the problem
In your web hostFTP create a new folder called plugins
Move all your plugin files from ‘pluginss’ to ‘plugins’
Go to the plugins section in your wp-admin back end
Re activate your plugins one by one checking your backend and site is working each time by doing a hard refresh
One of the plugins will cause your site to fall over again
Go back to your webFTP and move the file for the plugin that breaks your site back to the ‘pluginss’ folder
This will get your site back up again
To get the plugin working again that broke your site just download it form the providers site and re-upload it by clicking Add New in your plugins section of wp-admin
If it’s any help it was Yoast Google Analytics that broke my site – you might want to try activating this first if you have it, it might save you a bit of work.
I’m sure there’s loads of ways to do this quicker but the steps above worked for me!
Hope that helps