Login issues and Session expires after 60 seconds,
Hi There
I am using the following setup all servers are in the same datacenter and all are using internal ips, the only public IP available is that of the server running HAProxy.
1 server running HAProxy
Configured to point to two servers running WP when a https://mydomain.tld is called. When a https://mydomain.com its configured to point at the master of the two servers. (using rsync to replicate them)
I have both of these hooked up to two mysql servers using hyperdb. i have edited the db-config as per here: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/173251/wordpress-wp-login-keeps-asking-for-re-authentication-sessions-expire-fast so that anyone using an admin account will only read from the master in cas eof replication lag.
I have also set up the wp-config.php as per here:
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-haproxy-as-a-layer-4-load-balancer-for-wordpress-application-servers-on-ubuntu-14-04 replacing both lines with https://xxx.xxx.xxx (public ip of my proxy server)
This is a WP multisite installation.
What is happening is its taking serveral attempts to login, once i get into wp-admin, i can click on a menu item and I get logged out or after a few menu items i will get logged out, or after 60 seconds I get logged out. This is even with the remember me option which should give 2 days + 12 hours before the internal db session expires.
Does anyone have any ideas ?
thanks in advance.
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