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  • Hi
    As far as I know the basic unite theme doesnt come with option of uploading logo via the backend this must have been customly coded..
    The basic theme just has site tagline in the header which can be adjusted…

    Since you have absolutely no knowledge of coding the only way out by which you can solve it by ur own is..
    ur old logo is in this folder

    Just over write new logo with same name (cropped-Chronicles2.jpg) and place it in exactly the same folder…


    Thread Starter atukiainen


    Hi Anur, thanks for getting back to me. The Unite theme does come with a customizable header. If you look at my site you will see there is a custom one on there, and wasn’t done with special coding. Just a simple upload through the header. My problem, to be more specific, is that the page itself through which I would need to access in order to change the logo will not load. I can’t change the theme, the logo, the background color. Nothing. Because the page won’t pull up. I’m trying to see if there is a way around that.

    I do see that you have given me a folder name, but i tried to change the name and it didn’t work for me. I don’t know how to move it into a new folder. As far as I can tell they are both in the same folder, uploads folder, already….

    The URL for the new photo is

    If the page doesnt load that means there is some conflict u mite need to disable some plugins try n see if it makes a difference..

    Ohh no i think u uploaded the image via media manager that wont overwrite existing images with same name it will generate new name see the image name its not same …Chronicles-logo-1-sm-e1437394483845.jpg

    it has to be done via ftp to overwrite …do u skype add mee :anur.naik

    let me see if i can help..


    Thread Starter atukiainen


    Hi Anur, I did try disabling plug ins, as that has worked with past problems but not this time.

    I do skype, when are you available? I am located in Finland so my hours might be a bit different from yours

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