• Is there a way that I can get the service icons to link to pages? Right now I am able to get one line of it to link to a page, but not the whole block.

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  • Hi, you need to follows this steps to enable the link to the whole block of ther service section:
    1. open fp-services-type-a.php
    2. find this code (ctrl+f) <?php the_title(); ?>. There you’ll see that the_title() is wrapped by <h3> and </h3>
    3. change the code that wrapped by <h3> with <?php the_title(); ?> only
    4. still on those view, now in above of this tag <div class="roll-icon-box">, you have to add this code :

    <?php if ($link) : ?>
      <a href="<?php echo esc_url($link); ?>">
    <?php endif; ?>

    5. then add this code below after closing tag of the <div class="roll-icon-box">

    <?php if ($link) : ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    the final code should be like this https://prntscr.com/7x1wxa
    and please take a note that this should be done within your child theme, so your modified files will not replaced when you update your theme

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