• Resolved AlexMcConochie


    My website was automatically updated to 4.2.3 two days ago. This has caused a problem on the Home Page. https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk
    This featured a banner image which changed every 5 seconds and showed three different images (the final image was run twice. This feature no longer works.

    I also have the same feature on another page where 640×480 images were shown. This no longer works either.

    Can someone solve this issue for me please?

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  • Moderator Marius L. J.



    Instead of the features you were expecting, are you seeing any errors pop up, or any other kind of content?

    If possible, could you also link us to the page that has the smaller images that you mentioned aren’t working as they should and I’ll have a look at that as well.

    Thread Starter AlexMcConochie


    Thanks for the response.
    There are no other errors that I can see on the affected pages. The ‘rolling’ images just don’t roll. Only the first in the series displays. The second page with problems is
    Here is the code I have used for both pages:

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    Home Page:
    <script type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript">// <![CDATA[
    var im= new Array()//set your pictures here as an array
    im[0] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Wallace-Ban.jpg';
    im[1] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Dome-Ban.jpg';
    im[2] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/0004.jpg';
    im[3] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/0004.jpg';
    //add as many as you want, ie: im[3] = '03.jpg'; and so on
    var time = 7000;// set delay in miliseconds
    var q=1;
    function slideI(){
    // ]]></script>
    <img id="ima" src="https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Wallace-Ban.jpg" alt="" />
    Visit Page:
    <script type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript">// <![CDATA[
    var im= new Array()//set your pictures here as an array
    im[0] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Bless.jpg';
    im[1] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/one.jpg';
    im[2] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/two.jpg';
    im[3] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/three.jpg';
    im[4] = 'https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/four.jpg';
    //add as many as you want, ie: im[3] = '03.jpg'; and so on
    var time = 7000; // set delay in miliseconds
    var q=1;
    function slideI(){
    // ]]></script>
    <img id="ima" src="https://www.stmarksaberdeen.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Bless.jpg" alt="" />

    I hope you can help sort this problem.

    Hi Alex,

    When I visit your site it says, “This site uses a plugin () which is unsupportive” at the top – does that explain anything? Perhaps the plugins you were using to get the above mentioned features aren’t supported on 4.2.3…


    Moderator Marius L. J.


    I’m not seeing this warning anywhere.

    As for the site, I can see that your JavaScript is being parsed as comments, and therefore not outputting anything to the page, it’s also a bit of an…awkward…approach to do what you wish to do, have you considered using a plugin made for this purpose so that all you’d have to do is input a shortcode and avoid inline JavaScript such as this which might break quite easily?

    Thread Starter AlexMcConochie


    Thanks for both of your comments.
    I am not a tech individual. My java came from a website ‘tech help for non-tech people’ (not its actual name, I forget)and has worked for a few years on a previous host and until 4.2.3 on wordpress for the past couple of months.

    From the forums I can see that several individuals are having problems with 4.2.3. Could the problem not be with my java but with 4.2.3? How are these things resolved?

    I am happy to try other solutions eg a plugin but can anyone suggest one that will do just what I want, an image that displays for about 5seconds then changes to another and repeats over 4 – 5 images and then starts again?

    Sorry for the wafflw but this is all new to me. It used to be so simple, wordpress has made it difficult.

    Moderator Marius L. J.



    Just a follow up, as there’s been some unanticipated side effects of the 4.2.3 security release, and we are currently testing a 4.2.4 release which -should- address the problem you are seeing as well and as soon as it’s ready I believe your code should kick back in as it used to ??

    Thread Starter AlexMcConochie


    Again, thanks for the various comments.

    Not being a tech person this sort of problem almost defeats me. I did try a plugin but it (despite 30,000 users) too had problems although the change image concept almost worked. It also introduced a bold heading part way down several pages and blotted out other text. In the end I deleted the download, redid my Home Page and used alternative imagery.

    I will wait for 4.2.4 in the hope I can get back to where I was.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter AlexMcConochie


    4.2.4 has cured the problems I was having.

    Thanks again to all involved.


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