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  • That’s kind of a tough one because a full install of wp and the main site of a multisite wp both have a lot more database tables than a subsite. Your best bet might be to use the wordpress export/import feature under Tools menu to export your content and re-import it to the /books subsite once it’s made.
    If you only plan on having the two sites, you could use a duplicator plugin to pack up your current site and create a new wp install at /books which would free up .com/ to do what you want with.
    Being that it’s a fairly small site, I think the first option would do well. If your site is over 30 days old, wordpress will try to force a subdomain ( network rather than subfolder so you’ll need to look into that. Subdomain is more complex to do but there are ways to go with subfolder on a 30+ day old site.

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    Thanks for the reply jhn.

    I’m thinking that maybe you could detail the way to get the subfolder on a 30+ day old site. My site is about 9 months old or so. Because I’m assuming this way would be easier for maintenance, for example if i update plugins on one site, they automatically update on the other? Correct me if I’m wrong.

    If it’s not easier to manage through that method, though I will export my site and move it to /r/books. Could you detail this method a little bit more please? I don’t want to mess anything up, haha

    Yes, you only have one set of plugins and themes with multisite and you can create a new subsite with just a couple of clicks at any time which is a handy feature. The other benefit is, you only have one set of WordPress files and one database instead of two or more. Multisite just adds a few database tables to your existing database. Keeps things smaller on hosting. Not all plugins are multisite friendly so if you have some favorites, you might want to check to see if they’re compatible. Your first stop might want to be this.

    If it’s still something you want to do them continue with below.

    NOTE* I just read that you can trick wp by changing all of your post/page dates to be less than 30 days old and then activating multisite and it will give you subfolder option as well as subdomain. So try that and it might negate steps 3 and 4 below.

    What you’ll have to do is set it up as subdomain and then change it to subfolder. You’ll need to be able to access and edit the wp-congif.php and .htaccess files at the root of your site so make sure you can do that first. Would be public_html or www on your server/hosting. You would use ftp or cpanel most likely. For cpanel/file manager, you may have to turn on something to be able to see .htacces. Anything that starts with a dot is a hidden file. You might have to search your hosting’s help pages for “show hidden files in file manager” or some such. Same with your ftp program.

    Here’s a reference page,
    1) Activate multisite
    Open up wp-config.php and add this line above where it says /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */. If it doesn’t say that anywhere, then add the line somewhere above the first line that begins with require or include:

    /* Multisite */
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

    2) Set Up Multisite
    In admin area, go to Tools>Network Setup (this is where you would be given the choice for subdomain or subfolder on a fresh site less than 30 days old. If changing the post/page dates didn’t give you subdomain option here, just go with subdomain and follow the instructions given)
    I think a lot of people get screwed up right here because most instructions aren’t clear.

    # BEGIN WordPesss
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    # END WordPress

    I think some people end up pasting over the IfModule tags. Some .htaccess files can be loaded with stuff so just look for the WordPress section.

    3) Change it to Subfolder Part 1;
    Now you have multisite but it’s subdomain because it was the only choice. Now we can change it. Go back to wp-config.php and change
    define( ‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, true );
    define( ‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false );

    4) Change it to Subfolder Part 2;
    In network admin, go to Network>Network Setup and you’ll see the stuff to paste into your .htaccess file but it will be different now.
    (You can double check/compare here. Look at posts 15 and 16.
    It will be what you need for subdomain. Paste that over what you pasted in step 2) between the IfModule tags.

    That’s it

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    Okay, this looks good I’ll try it, including the page date trick. I just have a few questions before I start

    1. With multisite, I have one set of plugins and themes, but is it possible to uninstall/install a plugin for example on JUST one site? So in a way have some plugins/themes unique to just one site.

    2. In what step would I choose which wordpress site goes to and which to the root? Is that done under Settings>General Settings?

    Multisite plugins can be activated different ways. Network activate makes them available on all sites in the network. Or you can just install from Network>Plugins and activate one individual sites.

    You’ll just work with the root of the domain until you have a subdomain set up. Then you can add a site and name it book which will give you the above address.

    After that since you only have a few pages, it might be just as easy to copy and paste content from the main site to the /book subsite once it’s made, rather than doing export/import. It kind of depends on how similar the future /book site will be to what you have now.

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    My site will be exactly the same when on /book. Would I have to copy everything in the www folder of my hosting?

    No, you would do it in wordpress admin after you have multisite with subdomains and have created the book sibsite. Just make new pages with the same name and copy/paste the content from .com to .com/book
    Looking at that theme, you might have sections and you can do the same for those. Then you can go back and delete the content from the main site or replace it with what you want to have there.
    All wordpress content, with the exception of pics, gets stored in the database. The files in www just run wordpress.

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    That seems like an awful lot of work. There are a lot of elements to move over. If I do that, will I still have the same plugins active, with the same settings in place when I copy+paste the pages and widget sections to /book?

    Or maybe there is an easier way, maybe a plugin like this would work?:

    That plugin is for moving a whole site, not subsite so I don’t think it would work. No screenshots and the docs are included with the plugin evidently so I can’t read them. Reviews aren’t the greatest. Remember, the main site or a single wp install has loads more database tables.

    Plugins will all get deactivated when you make the change to multisite. Part of the process. They will still be there and you can network activate or activate individually. Some work better one way and some the other. Most all of your settings will remain when activating on the main site but since you want the main site to basically be at /books, then no they wouldn’t be.

    The export/import feature might be the best. I have no idea how much work went into your site and was just judging based on three pages. Export/import is for content, not settings though.

    From all I’ve read, there’s no real good way to migrate/duplicate content and settings from a single site to a subsite or visa versa. They’re just too different.

    Speaking of different. If you installed wordpress via a one click installer on your hosting OR it was preinstalled, then this whole multisite process might give you problems as those types of installations tend to not be standard.

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    Alright, I’ll probably migrate everything manually then, and activate and double check the plugin settings, etc. I didn’t use a one click installer.

    So after that is done, to set up my blog on root I guess I have to delete everything there, install a new theme, and make the site how I want it. Is there a quick way to do that ‘reset’?

    And thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it. I’ll execute this all tomorrow morning, and aim to get it all done in a day so I don’t miss too much traffic, haha. If I have any problems I’ll reply here.

    No quick way to do a reset. Just a matter of going through and deleting things.
    Once /books is done, you could install one of those maintenance plugins on the main site. Some of them allow you to put some content on the maintenance page and you could put a link to /books on there. That would buy you some time doing the main site.

    The googlebot is 95% of my traffic yet I still worry about how it looks at any given monent.

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    Alright looks like everything went off without a hitch. I’ve migrated my site, used a widget importer & exporter plugin to make it easier. Just need to check if my product can still be bought there.

    A plugin ‘LazyLoad XT’ I had to disable because it completely cut off my access to the Network Admin Dashboard. I’ll find alternatives I think.

    Going to create my blog on the root of the site with a maintenance banner up in the meantime. Happy days!

    Thanks a lot for your help jhnpldng, you’re a legend!

    Good deal. I’ve actually heard people say about me, “He’s a legend in his own mind”
    Curious; Did changing the post/page dates trick work?

    Thread Starter TheMeditatingCat


    Haha, in my mind you are!

    No, I tried changing the page dates and it didn’t work (I don’t have any posts either). But hey, it turned out to be really simple with converting from subdomain to subdirectory so no worries. If I have any related issues I’ll post here, but I think I’m good.

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