• Hello, when I try to get to my website I get “Error Establishing Database Connection” or “Internal Server Error”. I am VERY new to working with a website and don’t understand the language of what to do to try and fix the issue. Anyone able to help?

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  • I’m having exactly the same error. I was able to access my site yesterday and it’s down today.

    Is this a wordpress issue? I have another site that is still functioning normally.

    Sorry, not a resolution but a comment supporting your issue.

    Same issue here

    This worked for me:

    How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access the administrative menus?

    Sometimes it may be necessary to deactivate all plugins, but you can’t access the administrative menus to do so. One of two methods are available to deactivate all plugins.

    Use phpMyAdmin to deactivate all plugins.

    In the table wp_options, under the option_name column (field) find the active_plugins row
    Change the option_value field to: a:0:{}

    Or reset your plugins folder via FTP or the file manager provided in your host’s control panel. This method preserves plugin options but requires plugins be manually reactivated.

    Via FTP or your host’s file manager, navigate to the wp-contents folder (directory)
    Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename the folder “plugins” to “plugins.hold”
    Login to your WordPress administration plugins page (/wp-admin/plugins.php) – this will disable any plugin that is “missing”.
    Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename “plugins.hold” back to “plugins”

    My website is now back up and running. Seems like it might have been an issue with wordpress.

    Matt Knowles


    I have the same issue.

    Twice a week I noted my site is down, however my server provider says all is OK.

    I think that is a WordPress internal issue.

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