Yeah, “Let me speak from my heart in English” (c) )))
So you want to have only one scale on the results page?
Currently on your screenshot and at example test we have few scales. By the way — they are scales not results.
So you better need to play with new “hello world” test.
* Create it
* Attach there some scales and results
* Then fill up scores
* After link results by formulas
In formulas watch to have on any scales’ sums only one result.
* For example you have one scale (let it be scale1) and 3 results.
* Your scale1 can have values from 0 to 10.
* Then in 1st formula for result1 you should use something like “scale1 < 3”. In second result’s forumula: “scale1 >= 3 AND scale1 < 7” and in last — “scale1 >=7”
In this case you will always get only one result.
In example test there are both scales and results — you should underarstand how they are connected and when which will be shown to respondent.