Looks good! Feedback.
I checked your demoes and got to say that this looks really really nice!
I am these days working on a parallax theme that uses widgets and do believe I will find your plugin very handy! I will though need to limit the width of the widgets through css. As they automatically are width 100% it seems.
Some feedback.
What about including a TinyMCE widget in your pack similar to Black Studios TinyMCE widget?I will add comments as I am looking at the demo pages for the various widgets:
About me – very very cool looking! They all look the same but with different colors. Images, text and social media are all in the same location for all three examples. It would be nice to give the option to the user to juggle them around a bit.
Ads – I am guessing that one can here have a bunch of images in various ways. Having a grid to play with inserting images in various rows/columns.
Banners – have a better variation in look then the about me and ads widgets.
Nice!Calendar – totally ok. Could probably need some better looking calendars though.
Contact Info – I am hoping one can turn on/off and change the icons. Place some info beside each other as in a column etc. Need some additional examples here. One could also have an image in the top above contact info.
Custom Links – Ok.
Menu – Really nice! I am looking for a custom menu that can show a lot of my tutorials in the sidebar somewhat similar to the example your showing! It would be nice with the option to show submenu pages by default without clicking them. Meaning selecting which submenu to have by default open.
Facebook Like Box – Looks nice! Perhaps some customization as to background color, padding etc.
Flickr Stream – Looks good. Changing title background, padding etc.
Google Map – Here one can add a lot of options. Size of the map, map/satelite/hybrid. And more….
Instagram – looks nice! Good options here.
Login – Looks ok.
MailChimp – Looks ok.
Posts Slider – I am guessing one can play/stop slider. Show controls or not. Different arrows. Zoom or not to zoom and how far to zoom. It says Widget Style and a number but they all look the same with different images and numbers.
Post Thumbnails – Small images, medium images and full images. Showing some content (limit to amount of words). Nice! Turn off comment bobble…
Search – Check out some of the plugins for searching. Here one on focus could widen the box. Elastic Search showing some of the content related to the search word.
Slideshow – Arrows on the image, or below or top as is seen in the demo. Change transitions speed between the images.
Social Buttons – An option to insert ones own choice of icon.
Looks good though. What about a social like bar one can insert in a widget after a post?SoundCloud – ok. It would perhaps be better to call it audio widget for inserting audio for other locations as well as SoundClould. Playlists?
Tabs – Ok. Some variations of the look would be good.
Testimonials – Some variation of look would be good. Looks similar to the About me widget… Meaning some of the styles could be shared between them.
Text – ok.
Twitter – ok. Some more styles would be nice.
Video – Nice! Playlists?
Weather – ok
Many of the changes I mention can though be easily changed through CSS.
I would like to create an article on your free and premium plugins.
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