BuddyDrive in BP Group Menu
Hi imath,
We’re having some trouble getting the BuddyDrive to hide on the Groups menu. Our ultimate goal is to use a conditional type directive to hide only for certain levels of our membership system which supports this kind of thing.
Unfortunately, can’t seem to get past square one with just getting the item to direct hide. All of the solutions I’ve tried (I’ve looked up any solution that’s been posted and tried it and tried about any variation that I can think of) doesn’t work on Groups. Have found two that work on profile, which I’ll list below. as far as I understand bp_setup_nav is supposed to extend to both Profile and Groups.
I can see in the plugin’s group class where it is setting a slug, so it almost seems like the issue is with BuddyPress Groups itself. There seems to be a few general ways that people have used to do this in the past, using bp-custom or functions.php. I can’t get the bp-custom routines to work at all, again, have luck getting the function to work on Profiles, so I’m looking the direction of trying to use something similar to the two I got to work for that.
Any ideas you have would be very helpful.
function wpcom_remove_buddydrive_nav() { bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'buddydrive' ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'wpcom_remove_buddydrive_nav', 15 );
add_action('init', 'removeTabs', 999); function removeTabs() { global $bp; if(isset($bp->bp_nav['buddydrive'])) { unset($bp->bp_nav['buddydrive']); } }
I see a ton of people having problems with this same procedure that seems to have worked in the past. It seems that the methods that used to work perhaps don’t anymore?
The top function I found from Boone, don’t recall the second…the bp-custom routine I mentioned is basically what is outlined here:
https://themekraft.com/customize-profile-and-group-menus-in-buddypress/Any ideas?
Kind Regards — Tom
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