• Hi there and, first of all, congratulations for the great job of this Wp plugin that I’m trying to use and that you can see at https://352.be7.myftpupload.com/archivio.
    I’d like to submit yoy some problems I’ve found like:

    – taxonomy “category” search field: in my case, this field lenght seems to be limited to 18 characters only while, on demo page screenshots(https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-ultimate-search/screenshots/) it seems that a longer string like “BESCHALLUNGS-BUNDLES” (21 characters) could be used. I’d need a larger category search field so, is there a way to enlarge this field lenght?

    – User text searches: even if the user textual search has been enabled and the “Check this box to enable autocomplete for user searches” has been flagged, no autocompletion is performed when I try to edit something: what is wrong?

    – As you can see from my test page (https://352.be7.myftpupload.com/archivio), even if I’ve already selected the “Results with featured image tumbnails” option in the Search Results settings panel, I cannot get the tumbnails image to be rendered: how I can get the post images in the search results?

    – text misalignement: as you can see from my test page, the “CATEGORY” name and the category string is misaligned while, in your screenshots it is perfectly aligned: what is the problem?

    -endly, how can I change the gray colour of the drop down menu (category, Tag, Text) displayed at the click in the search area? Because I’d like to use the #f17e00 rather.

    Thanks in advance for any advice and looking forward on that.


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