Hey Scot, I certainly can see adding this functionality in a release and possibly soon.
At this point we’re really not looking for adoption outside the WordPress community. Nate and I both come from the CRM space and have worked with just about every one imaginable. Our objective was to create a plugin that would provide an interface for, and allow WordPress users to build their own CRM solution through integrations.
Given my experience and what our agency charges for a true CRM implementation I think there is still a tremendous benefit. We’re currently developing a study on how to build a simple CRM solution using WordPress and UkuuPeople for under $500.
IMHO the biggest benefit to using Open Source solutions vs any SaaS solution is that you own and are in control of your own data.
Absolutely, if you’re registering someone through GF they will be added as contacts in UkuuPeople. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you run into any snags with this.
I really appreciate the feedback and that you’re challenging us a bit. It’s extremely valuable and flattering too =)