• Hi, i want the product tags be displayed above the product list on the product page. Apparently, the tag list should only contain the tags of the currently displayed products, not all the existing product tags.

    I found this code, which works more or less ok, and i placed it into my wpsc-products_page.php

    <p class="tagged-with"><!--Chose subcategory:<br/>-->
    <?php $wpsc_product_tags = get_the_product_tags( wpsc_the_product_id() );
    if ($wpsc_product_tags) {
    foreach ($wpsc_product_tags as $wpsc_product_tag) {
    $tagname = $wpsc_product_tag->name;
    $tagid = $wpsc_product_tag->term_id;
    $taglink = get_term_link( $wpsc_product_tag->slug, $wpsc_product_tag->taxonomy );
    echo '<a href="'.$taglink.'">• '.$tagname.' &raquo;</a><br/> ';
    }  ?>

    But the problem is that the tag list only shows on the product category page, but doesn’t show on the basic wp page with the wpec shortcode.
    I mean, it shows on

    but it won’t show on the page with the shortcode
    [wpsc_products category_url_name=’wedding-dresses’]

    Could anyone help me with that please?


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