• Hi Everyone,

    Every couple days my WP site or my WP theme (not sure what’s causing the problem), completely disappears. So when I visit my blog, it’s a blank page. All databases/content is in tact, rather the blog goes blank.

    I have to then go into the “Presentation” tab of the WP admin and click my theme again and the site will reappear. This has been happening for over a month and I can’t figure out what’s causing it.

    Anyone out there have the same issue or any suggestions on how to solve it?

    My blog is here: https://www.jesseddy.com/blog

    Thanks in advance,

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  • I have exactly the same problem, on different sites. It is really strange…



    Have had same problem with several sites but now have a new twist – on one blog the theme icon has completely disappeared. All the databases/content is there, I can log into the dashboard, but there’s no theme icon at all under presentation. The theme folder appears and seems to be intact when I FTP into the server. I tried re/installing the theme via FTP; still no joy. I use 2.0.11. I wish some one would address this issue as this seems to be a bug somewhere in the base WP code that needs to be fixed ASAP.



    Older themes never had any “theme icon”.

    And you posted in a totally unrelated old thread…



    Moshu, thank you for responding. I posted in the only post I found that appears to describe the problem I’m facing. I’m sorry if I’m not being as precise in my description as you seem to require. As the thread doesn’t appear to be resolved/closed, I thought it was active.

    I don’t know what to call the button that represents the theme under the Presentation tab in 2.0.11 other than theme icon; but whatever it is that I click on to bring my theme back, it’s not there anymore and my site does not appear online.

    If you want me to start a new thread for the 2.0.11 version I will. I’d appreciate any help to get this resolved.



    Now, just keep it here. (active thread is not necessarily related)

    Let’s go back one step. What did you do before this error started?



    I visited my site by going to it’s URL. I got a blank page. That’s all. I don’t log into admin first; I kinda like to look at sites before going to the admin area to see how they may appear to a visitor. I hadn’t been to the site in about 3-4 days, and hadn’t worked/posted on it since 2/8. It had been up and running.

    FWIW, the blog is at https://www.totallyswimmingpools.com . I’ve noticed that blank home pages happen on occasion with some of my blog sites. Normally I’d then log in (all the backend admin stuff is there, posts, plugins), head to the presentation tab, and click the theme icon/theme preview/whatever-you-call-the-graphic to reactivate the theme, and all would be restored.

    Not this time. No theme appears to be installed in the Dashboard. But I see the theme folder, with all the files, on the server when I FTP in. I’ve never experienced this weirdness before, and I’m stumped for what to do. I had a backup of the theme file, and I tried uploading that to replace the folder online. No joy; still a blank page and no theme icon in the Presentation area.



    Then it’s time to ask your host about any possible software/hardware upgrade on their site.
    Try to search for “blank page” in the forum.



    I’ll try them; will report back. Thanks.



    OK. The hosting folks haven’t got back yet, but I read some of the threads in this forum dealing with “blank page”…there was a suggestion in one thread to try renaming the desired theme “default”. I did this and the site is back up. No other blog of mine on that server has disappeared (yet) like this one; it’ll be interesting to hear what the host has to say.

    Thanks again.

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