Change the HackRepair template file for your webserver included with the iTSec plugin.
For instance the better-wp-security/core/modules/ban-users/lists/ file for Apache.
Replace the existing Abuse HTTP Referrer Blocking lines with:
# Abuse HTTP Referrer Blocking
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (?:100dollars-seo||7makemoneyonline|anticrawler|best-seo-offer|best-seo-solution|buttons-for-website|buttons-for-your-website|dailyrank|darodar|ilovevitaly|kambasoft|medispainstitute|offers.bycontext|ranksonic|savetubevideo|semalt|sitevaluation||\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^.* – [F,L]
# Abuse HTTP Referrer Blocking end
Disable the Banned Users’s blacklist setting (Save All Changes) and then enable it again (Save All Changes).
This will propagate the changes in the HackRepair template file to your .htaccess file.
Remember, any changes to the HackRepair template files will be lost when updating the iTSec plugin.