So, instead of forwarding me to another useless help index page, can you please re-read my first statement and questions, and we can start over please?
Sorry you feel that way. I read your issue… You’re hacked. The same basic tenets apply to your situation, as is described in the information I linked you to.
A) “How do I fix the wordpress install without deleting my database”
You begin by replacing ALL of your files with the contents of your last known good backup, and then see where you’re at. That means assessing whether or not there is any database involvement in your particular compromise, and if so, continuing on from there.
“it suggests to log into MyPHPAdmin to bypass wordpress”
Yeah.. under certain circumstances, phpMyAdmin is one of a number of tools available to you if you need to repair your administration login credentials, but you’re quoting that back to us out of context (and probably frustration) in this case.
B) ” When i use the PHPadmin on my host server, it doesnt show any of my current posts and pages, it only shows my old backup files. So it isnt reading current database information,
phpMyAdmin is a database administrative tool. You can import, or export data, but it doesn’t show “backup files”. It only displays database information.
“it is only reading the SQL from the newest backup”
If that’s the case, then that must mean someone else has already (tried to, or) restored the database from a backup.
Please take a few minutes to grab a favorite beverage and go back and thoroughly read the information I pointed you to. I understand it’s a frustrating situation, but the long and short of it is, you’re probably going to need to start by replacing all of your WordPress site files from your last known good backup, then assess the condition and performance of the site from there, and determine whether or not you need to fix your database. I’m afraid there aren’t any shortcuts.
[edit] ..Just to clarify: all of your posts, pages and comment content is stored in your database. None of that content is stored in file format anywhere on your site, or in your files.