• Hi everyone,

    Just started builing our new website


    Please give feed back and let us know what you think. If you like reading the articles, please leave a comment (or two) on the website.

    I love that template, my only problem is, I wish I could reduce the gap between the header and the photo. Can anyone help?

    Please be kind ?? I am not a techy person, this is my first website.

    All the best,

    Go To Indo team

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  • page not found.

    Nice Design. Don’t care for the scroll work on the search box. Navigation is weird.

    The “about” link at the top seems odd. Not sure that having the about page as your starter page is a good way to go.

    One post a page, hmmm. Trying to up your page hits?

    Since you are going for a non-blog feel. I would change the name of the posts to articles, catagories to subjects, and blogroll to links. I would also move away from the blog type layout on the home page.

    Generall I hate landing pages, just fyi.

    Oh and way too much red on the page. I would drop the red background, and add some complimentary colors.

    It just hit me what is odd about the page. The title. It looks lost and on the wrong page., and the page appears out of balance. Maybe switch the sides (more non-blog styling). Also the stars are out of place.

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